Clasp in spanish


pronunciation: koʊɹ̩tʃete part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

clasp1 = broche, manecilla. [En encuadernación, dispositivo de metal que fijo a una de las cubiertas del libro lo mantenía cerrado al engarzar en la otra]

Example: Many books were still large and solid, their blind-tooled covers secured with clasps or ties.


» belt clasp = hebilla.

Example: However, problems can arise with some electronic detection devices because other metal objects such as belt clasps may activate the alarm signal.

» clasp knife = navaja.

Example: She suffered numerous stab wounds to the legs and torso delivered by a stranger with a clasp knife, but survived the attack.

» hair clasp = pasador.

Example: Many women use hairbands or hair clasps as decorative fashion.

clasp2 = agarrar. 

Example: She clasped her hands behind her back and looked down at her feet, allowing her hair to completely cover her face.


» clasp + hands = darse un apretón de manos.

Example: They clasped hands with a perfect understanding.

Clasp synonyms

hold in spanish: sostener, pronunciation: hoʊld part of speech: verb, noun grip in spanish: apretón, pronunciation: grɪp part of speech: noun grasp in spanish: agarrar, pronunciation: græsp part of speech: verb, noun clutch in spanish: embrague, pronunciation: klʌtʃ part of speech: noun buckle in spanish: hebilla, pronunciation: bʌkəl part of speech: noun, verb brooch in spanish: broche, pronunciation: brutʃ part of speech: noun clench in spanish: apretar, pronunciation: klentʃ part of speech: verb, noun clutches in spanish: garras, pronunciation: klʌtʃəz part of speech: noun

Clasp antonyms

unclasp pronunciation: ənklæsp part of speech: verb unbuckle pronunciation: ənbʌkəl part of speech: verb
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