Clarity in spanish


pronunciation: klɑɹ̩idɑd part of speech: noun
In gestures

clarity = claridad, aclaración, explicación. 

Example: In the interests of clarity an integrated account of the appropriate added entry headings is to be found in 21.29 and 21.30.


» bring + clarity (to) = aclarar, esclarecer, dilucidar.

Example: A woman suspected to have lost her virginity is made to undergo a series of medical examinations to bring clarity to her situation.

» clarity of exposition = claridad de exposición.

Example: The literature pertaining to causative factors of child abuse was assess to determine clarity of exposition, technical soundness, & appropriateness of analysis.

» clarity of presentation = claridad de presentación.

Example: They are chosen on the basis of quality of writing, illustration, clarity of presentation, imagination and reading pleasure..

» role clarity = claridad de funciones, claridad de responsabilidades.

Example: Over the past 10 years, role conflict, role ambiguity, role clarity and job satisfaction have been given increased attention in the study of organisational behaviour for a number of occupational groups.

Clarity synonyms

lucidity in spanish: lucidez, pronunciation: lusɪdɪti part of speech: noun clearness in spanish: claridad, pronunciation: klɪrnəs part of speech: noun limpidity in spanish: limpidez, pronunciation: lɪmpɪdəti part of speech: noun pellucidity in spanish: pellucidez, pronunciation: pelusɪdəti part of speech: noun uncloudedness in spanish: desempañamiento, pronunciation: ənklaʊdɪdnəs part of speech: noun

Clarity antonyms

opacity pronunciation: oʊpæsəti part of speech: noun obscurity pronunciation: əbskjʊrəti part of speech: noun obscureness pronunciation: ɑbskjɜrnəs part of speech: noun abstruseness pronunciation: æbstruznəs part of speech: noun opaqueness pronunciation: oʊpəkwinəs part of speech: noun reconditeness pronunciation: rikɑndɪtnəs part of speech: noun unclearness pronunciation: ənklɜrnəs part of speech: noun
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