Clam in spanish


pronunciation: ɑlmexɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

clam1 = almeja. 

Example: A search of the term 'shellfish' selects a further 126 terms, of which the six most highly ranked are: oysters, mussels, clams, tides, estuaries, and seafoods.


» clam chowder = sopa de almejas y verdura, crema de almejas y verdura.

Example: In case you were wondering, clam chowder isn't complete without the perfect amount of clams.

» razor clam = navaja, muérgano, muergo.

Example: Razor clams coated in breadcrumbs with lemon sauce and capers, potatoes and walnut vinaigrette.

clam (up)2 = callarse, quedarse en silencio, dejar de hablar, cerrar el pico, cerrar la boca. 

Example: I played the tape and the bird responded twice before it clammed up for the next 4 hours!.

Clam synonyms

buck in spanish: dólar, pronunciation: bʌk part of speech: noun dollar in spanish: dólar, pronunciation: dɑlɜr part of speech: noun dollar bill in spanish: billete de un dólar, pronunciation: dɑlɜrbɪl part of speech: noun one dollar bill in spanish: billete de un dólar, pronunciation: wʌndɑlɜrbɪl part of speech: noun
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