Clad in spanish


pronunciation: rebestidoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

clad = vestido, cubierto, revestido. 

Example: The stereotype of the governess as exemplified in Jane Eyre -- intelligent, restrained, soberly clad -- was the predecessor of the librarian as an occupation in which the women of the period, the 'guardians of morality' could find genteel employment.


» clad in = cubierto de, cubierto con.

Example: When a fount of type was to be cast, each matrix in turn was fixed in the mould, a steel box made in two parts, clad in wood for insulation and ease of handling.

» ironclad [iron-clad] = invariable, inflexible, rígido, absoluto, que se puede aplicar a rajatabla.

Example: A review of the research shows that there are no clear and ironclad answers.

» ironclad [iron-clad] = acorazado, blindado.

Example: He also highlights some of the naval innovations of the war, including submarines, ironclad vessels, and new types of mines.

» scantily clad = ligero de ropa.

Example: Good rule of thumb when browsing the Internet: If it looks lurid, promises nudity, or displays scantily clad women, don't click on it.

» titanium-clad = cubierto de titanio.

Example: This brand new public library cost 40 million dollars and is housed in the first titanium-clad building in the USA with a golden skin that changes colour with atmospheric conditions.

Clad synonyms

black in spanish: negro, pronunciation: blæk part of speech: adjective, noun white in spanish: blanco, pronunciation: waɪt part of speech: adjective, noun suited in spanish: adecuado, pronunciation: sutəd part of speech: adjective dressed in spanish: vestido, pronunciation: drest part of speech: adjective coated in spanish: saburral, pronunciation: koʊtəd part of speech: adjective arrayed in spanish: arreglado, pronunciation: ɜreɪd part of speech: adjective trousered in spanish: vestido de pantalones, pronunciation: traʊzɜrd part of speech: adjective attired in spanish: vestido, pronunciation: ətaɪrd part of speech: adjective clothed in spanish: vestido, pronunciation: kloʊðd part of speech: adjective garbed in spanish: vestido, pronunciation: gɑrbd part of speech: adjective sheathed in spanish: enfundado, pronunciation: ʃiðd part of speech: adjective robed in spanish: vestido, pronunciation: roʊbd part of speech: adjective habited in spanish: habitado, pronunciation: hæbətɪd part of speech: adjective caparisoned in spanish: Caparisoned, pronunciation: kəperɪsənd part of speech: adjective uniformed in spanish: uniforme, pronunciation: junəfɔrmd part of speech: adjective breeched in spanish: pantalón, pronunciation: britʃt part of speech: adjective gowned in spanish: vestido, pronunciation: gaʊnd part of speech: adjective cowled in spanish: cubierta, pronunciation: kaʊəld part of speech: adjective turned out in spanish: resultó, pronunciation: tɜrndaʊt part of speech: adjective dighted in spanish: atontado, pronunciation: daɪtɪd part of speech: adjective overdressed in spanish: relamido, pronunciation: oʊvɜrdrest part of speech: adjective underdressed in spanish: desnudo, pronunciation: ʌndɜrdrest part of speech: adjective costumed in spanish: disfrazado, pronunciation: kɔstumd part of speech: adjective petticoated in spanish: enagua, pronunciation: petɪkoʊtɪd part of speech: adjective appareled in spanish: aparecido, pronunciation: əperəld part of speech: adjective togged in spanish: togged, pronunciation: tɔgd part of speech: adjective panoplied in spanish: de punta en blanco, pronunciation: pænəplaɪd part of speech: adjective garmented in spanish: vestido, pronunciation: gɑrmentɪd part of speech: adjective habilimented in spanish: habilitado, pronunciation: həbɪləmentɪd part of speech: adjective dolled up in spanish: emperifollada, pronunciation: dɑldʌp part of speech: adjective dressed-up in spanish: vestido, pronunciation: drestʌp part of speech: adjective tuxedoed in spanish: esmoquin, pronunciation: tʌksdoʊd part of speech: adjective surpliced in spanish: suplicado, pronunciation: sɜrplaɪst part of speech: adjective spruced up in spanish: acicalado, pronunciation: sprustʌp part of speech: adjective vestmented in spanish: vestimentado, pronunciation: vestmentɪd part of speech: adjective cassocked in spanish: de sotana, pronunciation: kæsəkt part of speech: adjective spiffed up in spanish: spiffed, pronunciation: spɪftəp part of speech: adjective bundled-up in spanish: arropar, pronunciation: bʌndəled part of speech: adjective pantalooned in spanish: pantaloon, pronunciation: pæntəlund part of speech: adjective lobster-backed in spanish: lomo de langosta, pronunciation: lɑbstɜrbækt part of speech: adjective red-coated in spanish: recubierto de rojo, pronunciation: redkoʊd part of speech: adjective heavy-coated in spanish: recubierto pesado, pronunciation: hevikoʊd part of speech: adjective

Clad antonyms

unclothed pronunciation: ənkloʊðd part of speech: adjective
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