Civilian in spanish


pronunciation: θibil part of speech: adjective
In gestures

civilian1 = persona civil, población civil. [Nombre]

Example: Here are entered works on temporary establishments which provide members of the Armed forces and, in emergencies, civilians with food and recreation.


» dress as + a civilian = vestir de paisano.

Example: A cop, even dressed as a civilian, looks like a cop.

civilian2 = civil. [Adjetivo]

Example: Israel is nation very interested in both the military and civilian applications of nuclear energy.


» civilian authority = autoridad civil.

Example: Knowing they weren't supposed to be were they where, they decided to run instead of stopping and getting in trouble with the civilian authorities.

» civilian casualty = víctima civil.

Example: Almost as much as the civilian casualties from American bombs and tanks, the destruction of the museum and the library has ignited passions against American troops, for their failure to intervene.

» civilian clothes = ropa de paisano, vestido de paisano.

Example: As it turned out these people were policemen in civilian clothes.

» civilian employer = empresa pública.

Example: Paper and paper management are highly refined technologies that are buried deeply into our infrastructure (e.g., the largest civilian employer in the U.S. is the Post Office).

» civilian lawyer = abogado civil.

Example: This article covers the records of the Law Society on attorneys and solicitors; civilian lawyers; scriveners and notaries public; and the judiciary and personnel of the courts = Este artículo trata de los registros del Colegio de Abogados sobre abogados y procuradores, abogados civiles, notarios públicos y la judicatura y el personal de los juzgados.

» civilian leader = líder civil.

Example: This article describes the power and authority of the president and civilian and military leaders at the time of the war.

» civilian life = vida civil.

Example: Or, you may miss the order and discipline of military life compared to civilian life and wonder if you will be able to adjust.

» civilian population, the = población civil, la.

Example: These death squads abducted members of the civilian population torturing and often executing them.

» civilian staff = personal civil.

Example: The results of the survey indicated that at least some correctional institutions employed paid civilian staff.

Civilian synonyms

civil in spanish: civil, pronunciation: sɪvəl part of speech: adjective noncombatant in spanish: no combatiente, pronunciation: nɑnkəmbætənt part of speech: adjective

Civilian antonyms

man pronunciation: mæn part of speech: noun military pronunciation: mɪləteri part of speech: adjective, noun serviceman pronunciation: sɜrvəsmæn part of speech: noun military personnel pronunciation: mɪləteripɜrsənel part of speech: noun military man pronunciation: mɪləterimæn part of speech: noun
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