Civil in spanish


pronunciation: θibil part of speech: adjective
In gestures

civil = cortés, cívico, respetuoso, civilizado. 

Example: This situation only really stands out because this place is normally such an oasis of gentlemanly and civil behaviour.


» be civil towards = guardar las formas, guardar los modales, ser cortés con, ser respetuoso con, dirigir la palabra, no faltar el respeto.

Example: Judging from the history of warfare and skirmish between the British and the French, I am surprised you are so civil towards each other.

» civil authority = autoridad civil.

Example: Power takes many forms -- wealth, armaments, civil authority etc., it is entropic, and in the community it exists in a basic equilibrium.

» civil behaviour = comportamiento cívico, civismo.

Example: In Poland this sort of civil behaviour is perhaps not dead, but is breathing on a lung-machine and has a bad case of tuberculosis.

» civil code = código civil.

Example: In many other Arab countries, the Islamic law influence is more subtle, and often best revealed in civil codes.

» civil disobedience = desobediencia civil.

Example: The book considers critical issues, such as civil disobedience, war crimes, and the death penalty.

» civil disorder = desorden civil, desorden público.

Example: If the number of unhappy people exceeds the number of happy people in a city, the city will fall into civil disorder.

» civil disruption = disturbios.

Example: Accounts were given of various recent major and smaller disasters such as extreme weather conditions, power failures, explosions, civil disruption, mould, infestations and spontaneous combustion = Se describieron varios desastres recientes, algunos más y otros menos importantes, como condiciones climáticas extremas, apagones, explosiones, disturbios, moho, plagas y combustiones espontáneas.

» civil engineer = ingeniero de caminos, ingeniero civil.

Example: The main findings are that civil engineers are, relatively speaking, not information conscious.

» civil engineering = ingeniería civil, ingeniería de caminos.

Example: Suppose you have to produce A/Z subject index entries by chain indexing procedure for the subject of the document 'A yearbook of civil engineering'.

» civil law = derecho civil.

Example: Academics at the conference spoke of particular concerns in their fields of civil law, English language and regional planning.

» civil lawsuit = demanda judicial.

Example: Civil lawsuits are different from criminal proceedings in that civil proceedings are used when someone has been damaged by another's actions or a product and seeks money, rather than criminal prosecution.

» civil liberties = libertades civiles, derechos civiles, derechos del ciudadano.

Example: He is one of America's foremost defenders of civil liberties.

» civil lie = mentira piadosa.

Example: Civilization is built on many such civil lies, like the efficacy of juries, the impartiality of judges, or the inherent worth of money.

» civil litigation = pleito civil, litigio civil.

Example: This article focuses on foreign-born plaintiffs in civil litigation.

» civil marriage = matrimonio civil.

Example: Some states allow civil marriages in circumstances which are not allowed by many religions, such as same-sex marriages or civil unions.

» civil order = orden civil, orden público.

Example: As police commissioner he will advocate for policies that will help restore true civil order to a country that has long been deprived of it.

» civil proceedings = proceso civil, procedimiento civil.

Example: Those that cannot meet legal expenses can receive help from one of three legal aid schemes introduced by the government: legal advice and assistance, legal aid in civil proceedings and legal aid in criminal proceedings.

» civil registry, the = registro civil, el.

Example: My mission was to obtain my daughter's birth certificate; simple enough in theory, but this is the civil registry in Georgia.

» civil rights = derechos civiles, derechos cívicos.

Example: Access to information is a fundamental right of citizenship, in fact, the fourth right, following in the footsteps of civil rights, political rights and social rights.

» civil rights movement = movimiento por los derechos civiles.

Example: Their views reflect the importance of libraries not only in their own lives but also for African Americans in general and the civil rights movement in particular.

» civil servant = funcionario, funcionario público.

Example: This document is about civil servants in the Home Office, and the working conditions of civil servants.

» civil service = administración pública.

Example: I always thought the civil service system was created to eliminate any possibility of favoritism.

» civil society = sociedad civil.

Example: NGOs play an important role in civil society; they are its legislative assistants, innovators, cost-cutters and watchdogs.

» civil society activist = defensor de los derechos civiles.

Example: Many civil society activists are becoming increasingly disenchanted with UN summits.

» civil statute = estatuto civil.

Example: In the past decade, however, several states have amended their criminal or civil statutes to include the specific crime of 'feticide' or 'fetal homicide'.

» civil union = unión civil. [Unión ante la ley entre dos personas del mismo sexo]

Example: Some states allow civil marriages in circumstances which are not allowed by many religions, such as same-sex marriages or civil unions.

» civil unrest = disturbios, descontento social, malestar social.

Example: The most vulnerable nations are Burma, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, which have all experienced savage war and civil unrest in recent years.

» civil war = guerra civil.

Example: In UDC under 361 SOCIAL RELIEF we find .9 Relief or aid in emergencies, disasters; .91 Earthquakes, storms, hurricanes; .92 Floods; .93 War, civil war; .94 Epidemics; .95 Famine; and .96 Fires, conflagrations.

» civil wedding = boda civil.

Example: There are several reasons to having a civil wedding the main one being that you have no religious inclination at all.

» exercise + Posesivo + civil rights = ejercer + Posesivo + derechos civiles, ejercer + Posesivo + derechos cívicos.

Example: They slammed her in jail on a trumped-up charge because she exercised her civil rights and made them angry.

» file + a civil lawsuit = demandar, llevar a juicio, presentar una demanda (judicial), interponer una demanda (judicial), entablar un juicio, entablar un pleito, entablar una demanda (judicial), querellarse contra.

Example: She is very angry that a civil lawsuit filed against her has ruined her plans of leaving in August, when her probation ends.

Civil synonyms

polite in spanish: Cortés, pronunciation: pəlaɪt part of speech: adjective civic in spanish: cívico, pronunciation: sɪvɪk part of speech: adjective civilian in spanish: civil, pronunciation: səvɪljən part of speech: adjective civilized in spanish: civilizado, pronunciation: sɪvəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective

Civil antonyms

rude pronunciation: rud part of speech: adjective sidereal pronunciation: sɪdrəl part of speech: adjective uncivil pronunciation: ənsɪvəl part of speech: adjective
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