Civic in spanish


pronunciation: θibikoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

civic = municipal, cívico, civil. 

Example: Like many other civic facilities in the town, the public library is used by only a minority of the population.


» civic behaviour = comportamiento cívico, civismo.

Example: This study tested the relationship between civic behaviour and involvement in the job.

» civic building = edificio civil.

Example: Scores of abandoned civic buildings including libraries, town halls, fire stations, schools and courts are under threat of demolition.

» civic centre = centro cívico.

Example: What makes a big city into a vibrant community are civic centers -- the ability to congregate in large numbers to get the feeling of community, whether it be a basketball game or rodeo .

» civic club = club social.

Example: Now the civic club is turning to problems involving the possible abuse of parking permits, which cost residents $40 a month per vehicle.

» civic duty = deber ciudadano.

Example: Libraries assist patrons in meeting their civic duty by offering meeting space for civic organizations, assisting in voter registration, and making tax forms available.

» civic education = educación cívica.

Example: Librarians can participate in civic education projects which help teach users the rights and responsibilities of citizenship = Los bibliotecarios pueden participar en los proyectos de educación cívica cuyo objetivo es enseñar a los usuarios los derechos y responsabilidades del ciudadano.

» civic engagement = participación ciudadana.

Example: Civic engagement or civic participation has been defined as 'Individual and collective actions designed to identify and address issues of public concern'.

» civic group = grupo cívico.

Example: This is a privately funded civic group involved in the restoration and preservation of the city's old town and historic landmarks.

» civic hall = casa consistorial.

Example: The planned library will be part of a complex including a civic hall, information lobby, exhibition rooms and a restaurant.

» civic involvement = participación ciudadana.

Example: Library assists with civic involvement by supporting the democratic and political process and facilitating community development.

» civic life = vida cívica, vida civil.

Example: The conference's purpose was to investigate innovative ways in which and information technology can be used to strengthen communities and enhance civic life.

» civic literacy = educación cívica.

Example: More than 2500 randomly selected Americans took a 33 question test on civic literacy and more than 1700 people failed.

» civic mindedness = conciencia cívica, civismo.

Example: Anywhere on the planet, the 'library' building serves as a proud monument to the civic mindedness of the local population.

» civic organisation = institución civil.

Example: It is time for all librarians to change their attitudes and become involved, to seek funds and mobilise civic organisations and businesses in cooperative efforts.

» civic participation = participación ciudadana.

Example: Civic engagement or civic participation has been defined as 'Individual and collective actions designed to identify and address issues of public concern'.

» civic pride = orgullo cívico.

Example: Most donors won't respond to queries about why they coughed up cash; others say their companies have given out of civic pride.

» civic responsibility = civismo, educación cívica.

Example: This program is designed to foster civic responsibility by teaching young people how to participate effectively in a democracy.

» civic right = derecho público.

Example: Here it is at last, the public library as a civic right.

» civic trust group = grupo de protección ciudadana.

Example: The most significant response has been the growth in every town of a widening range of citizen action groups -- consumer groups, parent-teacher associations and branches of CASE, Shelter groups, civic trust groups, tenants' and residents' associations and many other kinds of 'grass roots' organisation.

» uncivic = poco cívico, falto de civismo.

Example: They found that a clear line could be drawn between civic and `uncivic' regions - and that `public affairs are more successfully ordered' in the former.

Civic synonyms

civil in spanish: civil, pronunciation: sɪvəl part of speech: adjective
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