Citation in spanish


pronunciation: θitɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

citation1 = mención honorífica. 

Example: In recognition of his impact on cataloging, in 1974 he was awarded the Margaret Mann citation and, in 1978, the Melvil Dewey Medal.


» speeding citation = multa por exceso de velocidad.

Example: Cops always get the benefit of the doubt in cases where there may be no witness, such as speeding citations.

citation2 = cita bibliográfica, referencia bibliográfica, citación. [Conjunto de datos referentes a un documento que lo identifican y que normalmente se incluyen en otro documento]

Example: ISI gives you an additional -- and very powerful -- way of locating articles... by citations, the references found at the end of scholarly works.


» bibliographic citation = referencia bibliográfica. [Conjunto de datos que identifican una obra como pueden ser el autor, título, nombre de la revista, páginas y fecha de publicación]

Example: Records in a bibliographic database usually include the bibliographic citation (author, title, journal name and pagination, publication date), abstract, and subject terms (descriptors).

» chain of citation = encadenamiento de citas. [En bibliometría, conexión exponencial entre el contenido de documentos a través de las referencias bibliográficas que incluyen]

Example: The reviewer's place in citation chains is an important one because conceivably a carefully done critical review could make or break a line of enquiry or alter the direction of a chain of citations.

» citation age = edad de la cita. [En bibliometría, tiempo transcurrido desde que se publica un documento y aparece citado]

Example: The citation frequency distribution followed a negative exponential distribution for 1972-1982, with the median citation age of 3 years.

» citation analysis = análisis de citas.

Example: Intradisciplinary citation analysis reveals that subdisciplines of anthropology seem to be quite heterogenous and mutually isolated from one another.

» citation behaviour = patrón de citación, modelo de citación. [En bibliometría, todo lo referido a la forma y principalmente el contenido de las citas hechas por los autores]

Example: Data derived from studies of Philippine scientists and Korean mathematicians do suggest that place of publication may exert some influence on citation behaviour.

» citation bibliometry = bibliometría sobre citas.

Example: Furthermore, the value of citation bibliometry is currently being undermined by the formation of 'citation clubs', which aim to indiscriminately achieve maximum cross-citing between 'club members'.

» citation chain = encadenamiento de citas. [En bibliometría, conexión exponencial entre el contenido de documentos a través de las referencias bibliográficas que incluyen]

Example: The reviewer's place in citation chains is an important one because conceivably a carefully done critical review could make or break a line of enquiry or alter the direction of a chain of citations.

» citation dictionary = índice invertido de las citas bibliográficas.

Example: We can look at the citation dictionary to locate Bednorz's 1986 paper by pressing 'Alt-D'.

» citation frequency = frecuencia de citación.

Example: Demand for a periodical is based on citation frequency.

» citation impact = impacto de citas.

Example: In order to test the robustness of their univariate and multivariate tests, multiple regressions were performed on 3 criteria: scientific productivity, citation impact, and individual performance index.

» citation index = índice de citas. [Indice que consiste esencialmente en una lista de obras que han sido citadas en otros trabajos posteriores y una lista de los trabajos de los que se han recogido las citas y que se utiliza para identificar obras publicadas posteriormente cuyo tema está relacionado con el de la obra citada]

Example: A citation index is 'an ordered list of references (cited works) in which each reference is followed by a list of the sources (citing works) which cite it'.

» Citation Index = Indice de Citas.

Example: This article describes the 4 indexes comprising the SCI: the Source Index, the Citation Index, the Permuterm Subject Index and the Corporate Index.

» citation indicator = indicador de citas.

Example: Improvements on the above measures lead to 2 new citation indicators: the Openness Index and the Affinity Index.

» citation map = mapa de citas, mapa de citación.

Example: A citation map is a graphical representation of the articles citing or cited by your selected article.

» citation network = red de citación.

Example: The main purposes of this article are to uncover interesting features in real-world citation networks, and to highlight important substructures.

» citation order = orden de cita, orden de combinación de encabezamientos. [En un sistema de indización precoordinado, principio que establece el orden de presentación de los conceptos de un encabezamiento compuesto; por ejemplo, Corazón - Enfermedades, en donde el orden es Cosa - Proceso]

Example: The order in which concepts are combined in compound subjects is called the combination order or citation order.

» citation pattern = patrón de cita. [En bibliometría, todo lo referido a la forma y principalmente el contenido de las citas hechas por los autores]

Example: The shifts seen in all these data suggest that an editor who intends to change a journal may have an impact on the citation patterns of that publication.

» citation rate = frecuencia de cita, tasa de citación. [En bibliometría, número de veces que un artículo dado es citado]

Example: Using the data presented by Lea Velho on the citation rates in and on Brazilian agricultural periodical articles, it is suggested that a given paper is cited by the non-Brazilian scientific literature at the same rate as a paper written anywhere else in the world would be.

» citation search = búsqueda de citas.

Example: When viewing a record, you can also display its references and perform citation searches directly from the reference display.

» document citation = cita bibliográfica.

Example: Usually each of these names will be accompanied by document reference numbers or classification numbers and document citations.

» glean + citation = obtener una cita bibliográfica.

Example: A patron may submit a beautifully legible request for a book with a distinctive author and title, accompanied by a reference to the journal article from which the citation was gleaned.

» Journal Citation Report (JCR) = Journal Citation Report (JCR). [Revista editada por el Instituto de Información Científica americano que clasifica a la mayoría de las revistas científicas del mundo según varios parámetros de uso/importancia]

Example: However, many librarians remain unconvinced that the global citation data from the Journal Citation Report (JCR) bears enough correspondence to their local situation to be useful.

» maximum citation = citas máximas.

Example: The method revealed that a document's maximum citation occurs 2 years after publication.

» number of citations = número de citas, número de referencias.

Example: In Lodge, for instance, the total number of references to journal articles (712) is only marginally less than the number of citations to monographs (747).

» reference citation = cita bibliográfica.

Example: Citation analysis of 7 core periodicals of the geological literature for 1985, showed that government document citations averaged 16% of all reference citations.

» Science Citation Index (SCI) = Indice de Citas de Ciencia (SCI).

Example: The Permuterm index (as featured in Science, and Social Sciences Citation Indexes) is similar to a Double-KWIC index in that it provides for simple coordination of index words.

» Shepard's Citation = Shepard's Citation.

Example: The article 'How Shepard's Citation lost its flock: or, can the police smell probable cause?' notes the difficulties involved in teaching law students the intricacies of research tools such as Shepard's Citation.

» Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) = Indice de Citas de las Ciencias Sociales (SSCI).

Example: The Permuterm index (as featured in Science, and Social Sciences Citation Indexes) is similar to a Double-KWIC index in that it provides for simple coordination of index words.

Citation synonyms

reference in spanish: referencia, pronunciation: refɜrəns part of speech: noun credit in spanish: crédito, pronunciation: kredət part of speech: noun mention in spanish: mencionar, pronunciation: menʃən part of speech: verb, noun quotation in spanish: cotización, pronunciation: kwoʊteɪʃən part of speech: noun commendation in spanish: elogio, pronunciation: kɑməndeɪʃən part of speech: noun
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