Circular in spanish


pronunciation: θiɹ̩kulɑɹ̩ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

circular = circular. 

Example: Products under threat include; greeting cards, circulars, information sheets, newspapers and magazines.


» become + circular = convertirse en un círculo vicioso.

Example: Such discussions become circular and self-perpetuating, and self-congratulating, very quickly -- as the Howard Dean Campaign discovered, too late and fatally, during the current US Presidential election race.

» circular letter = circular.

Example: The computer is also programmed to print out circular letters and address labels to obtain up-dated information, which are sent to agencies every six months.

» circular movement = movimiento circular.

Example: Wait 7 to 8 hours between coats, then using a plastic trowel polish by sleeking the surface with circular movements.

» circular saw = sierra circular.

Example: With the appropriate blade, circular saws are capable of cutting wood, steel, masonry, and ceramic tile.

» circular thesaurus = tesauro circular.

Example: Amongst the display devices that have been incorporated into published thesauri is the circular thesaurus: a central concept is shown as a central circle and related topics are arranged in concentric circles around the central circle.

» semi-circular = semicircular.

Example: The recessed spaces on each side of the chimney breast hold small semi-circular tables of marquetry with mirrors hanging above them.

Circular synonyms

round in spanish: redondo, pronunciation: raʊnd part of speech: adjective, noun, adverb bill in spanish: cuenta, pronunciation: bɪl part of speech: noun global in spanish: global, pronunciation: gloʊbəl part of speech: adjective flyer in spanish: volantes, pronunciation: flaɪɜr part of speech: noun annular in spanish: anular, pronunciation: ænjəlɜr part of speech: adjective flier in spanish: volante, pronunciation: flaɪɜr part of speech: noun broadside in spanish: costado, pronunciation: brɔdsaɪd part of speech: noun rounded in spanish: redondeado, pronunciation: raʊndəd part of speech: adjective cyclical in spanish: cíclico, pronunciation: saɪklɪkəl part of speech: adjective throwaway in spanish: tirar a la basura, pronunciation: θroʊəweɪ part of speech: noun cyclic in spanish: cíclico, pronunciation: saɪklɪk part of speech: adjective spherical in spanish: esférico, pronunciation: sferɪkəl part of speech: adjective broadsheet in spanish: hoja ancha, pronunciation: brɔdʃit part of speech: noun handbill in spanish: prospecto, pronunciation: hændbɪl part of speech: noun globular in spanish: globular, pronunciation: glɑbjəlɜr part of speech: adjective capitate in spanish: en forma de la cabeza, pronunciation: kæpəteɪt part of speech: noun, adjective discoid in spanish: discoido, pronunciation: dɪskɔɪd part of speech: adjective globose in spanish: globoso, pronunciation: gloʊboʊz part of speech: adjective annulate in spanish: anular, pronunciation: ænjəleɪt part of speech: adjective moonlike in spanish: Luna como, pronunciation: munlaɪk part of speech: adjective circinate in spanish: circinar, pronunciation: sɜrsəneɪt part of speech: adjective ringed in spanish: anillado, pronunciation: rɪŋd part of speech: adjective orbicular in spanish: orbicular, pronunciation: ɔrbɪkjəlɜr part of speech: adjective annulated in spanish: anulado, pronunciation: ænjəleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective nutlike in spanish: como una nuez, pronunciation: nʌtlaɪk part of speech: adjective roundish in spanish: casi redondo, pronunciation: raʊndɪʃ part of speech: adjective spheric in spanish: esférico, pronunciation: sferɪk part of speech: adjective coccoid in spanish: coccoide, pronunciation: kɑkəd part of speech: adjective discoidal in spanish: discoidal, pronunciation: dɪskɔɪdəl part of speech: adjective orbiculate in spanish: orbiculado, pronunciation: ɔrbɪkjəleɪt part of speech: adjective ball-shaped in spanish: en forma de bola, pronunciation: bɔlʃeɪpt part of speech: adjective ring-shaped in spanish: en forma de anillo, pronunciation: rɪŋʃeɪpt part of speech: adjective ringlike in spanish: como un anillo, pronunciation: rɪŋlaɪk part of speech: adjective disklike in spanish: como un disco, pronunciation: dɪsklaɪk part of speech: adjective moon-round in spanish: alrededor de la luna, pronunciation: munraʊnd part of speech: adjective

Circular antonyms

square pronunciation: skwer part of speech: noun, adjective
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