Circle in spanish


pronunciation: θiɹ̩kuloʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

circle1 = círculo, corro. 

Example: The sets of documents indexed under the two index terms A and B are each represented by a circle.


» academic circle = círculo académico.

Example: Moreover, there is also a need in academic circles for a single, comprehensive source of information on publications issued over a number of years.

» Arctic Circle, the = círculo polar ártico, el.

Example: In Oct 89, a new branch of the Norwegian public library service was opened in MoiRana, a mining town a little south of the Arctic Circle.

» artists' circle = círculo de artistas.

Example: Having identified the field, Marinetti and his artist friends then forged an appropriate art, drawn from forays into Parisian artists' circles.

» break out of + a circle = salir del círculo.

Example: Things go around in circles, and so I thought maybe we ought to break out of the circle.

» bring + Pronombre + full-circle = volver al punto de partida, completar el ciclo, volver al principio.

Example: Together, they represent the onset of the cataclysm of which Noah is the triumphant conclusion, thus bringing us full circle.

» circle of experience = ámbito de experiencia.

Example: Are you saying that books and courses that encourage wholesome questioning and explore wider circles of experience have nothing of value to say to us?.

» circle of friends = círculo de amigos, corrillo de amigos.

Example: 'You always seems so involved with your circle of friends'.

» circle of power = círculo de poder.

Example: If you are in cahoots with the circle of power, you get your projects approved in no time, and in some cases, you can build the most hideous and unsightly contraption.

» circle of users = círculo de usuarios.

Example: Academic libraries' information centres can operate in a self-financing way for a wide circle of users.

» close + the circle = completar el círculo.

Example: It was a way for her to close the circle, which she does by suicide, so she couldn't escape the perversion.

» come + full circle = completar el ciclo, volver al punto de partida, volver al principio.

Example: Once the planning team is formed, there needs to be consideration of how often the process comes full circle and begins to repeat.

» concentric circle = círculo concéntrico.

Example: The issue can be imagined as a series of concentric circles, the problem investigated being at the centre, and related topics around it in a decreasing order of importance.

» draw + a circle = trazar un círculo.

Example: If you need to draw a circle, and don't have a compass on you, this method will work well.

» educational circle = círculo académico.

Example: This computer-assisted instruction (CAI) system has gradually aroused wide attention and interest and is commonly accepted by Taiwanese educational circles.

» Euler circles = círculos de Euler.

Example: Numbered amongst these are: Euler circles, arrowgraphs, and the circular thesaurus.

» form + a circle = formar un círculo, hacer un crículo, formar un corro, hacer un corro.

Example: One piece is used to form a circle while the other is used to form a square.

» go (a)round (and (a)round) in + circles = dar vueltas sin avanzar, dar vueltas en círculos, andarse con rodeos, andarse por las ramas, tener pelos en la lengua, dar rodeos, andarse con medias tintas, marear la perdiz.

Example: This type of discussion makes the conflict endless and the argument is going round in circles because different people are trying to solve different problems.

» go + full circle back to = volver a.

Example: Ironically, today's catalogs have gone full circle back to the book catalogs of yore, with each work having only one complete catalog entry = Paradójicamente, los catálogos de hoy día han vuelto a los catálogos en forma de libro de antaño, en los que cada documento tenía un único asiento catalográfico completo.

» history + come full circle = la historia + repetirse, la historia + volverse a repetir.

Example: History has come full circle and chemotherapists are now actively searching for new drugs against smallpox virus.

» in library circles = en los círculos bibliotecarios.

Example: Librarians have recently become aware of marketing as an 'in' strategy in public library circles.

» literary circle = círculo literario.

Example: His novels are filled with the turgid prose that passed for elegance among the literary circles in America at the time.

» literature circle = grupo de lectura, club de lectura.

Example: Literature circles engage students in rich conversations about shared readings.

» Polar Circle, the = Círculo Polar, el. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: The article 'To the Polar Circle on exchange visit' describes a 3 week exchange visit to the Regional Library in Rovaniemi, the largest of Finnish Lapland's 4 towns.

» rotate in + circles = dar vueltas en círculos, girar en círculos, rotar en círculos.

Example: My friends and I went to a scary roller coaster ride which takes you upside down and rotates in circles, making you dizzy at the end of the ride.

» run + circles (a)round = dar cien/mil vueltas a, hacer lo que Uno quiere con. [En español se puede decir dar cien vueltas a o dar mil vueltas a o dar cien mil vueltas a]

Example: Once again, President Obama has allowed the Chinese government to run circles around him.

» semi-circle = semicírculo.

Example: Those that couldn't read sat in semi-circles listening to books being read to them, asking questions, sparking debate and dialogue.

» spin in + circles = dar vueltas en círculos, girar en círculos, rotar en círculos.

Example: The discus throw looks mysterious and impressive on television, as athletes spin in circles to launch the discus long distances.

» square + the circle = cuadrar el círculo, intentar lograr la cuadratura del círculo, pretender lo imposible, pretender lograr lo imposible, intentar lograr lo imposible, intentar lo imposible.

Example: The article 'Squaring the circle: the reformation of archival description in AACR2' is a contribution to a special issue devoted to archival automation.

» study circle = grupo de estudio.

Example: Library use can be promoted by good publicity, study circles and group discussion, and library lectures.

» swing in + a half-circle = girar media vuelta.

Example: Drew Pope put down his pencil, pushed back in his chair, stretched his arms overhead, and swung in a half-circle so he could look out the window.

» the wheel + turn + full circle = las cosas + volver + a su punto de partida.

Example: Interestingly the wheel turned full circle in 1980 for Cheshire acquired the system pioneered by Derbyshire.

» things swing full circle = volvemos siempre al principio.

Example: It seems that, pace Yeats, things really do swing full circle sometimes.

» upper circles, the = clases altas, las.

Example: A recent study of the political elite in Iran reveals that the upper circles have very little in common with the masses, in terms of family background, life-style, language, educational experience, & cultural values.

» vicious circle = círculo vicioso.

Example: Of course this could develop into a vicious circle with everybody waiting for everybody else to judge the hapless journal.

» walk in + circles = caminar en círculos.

Example: If you're lost in the woods and you feel like you're walking in circles, you probably are.

circle2 = trazar un círculo alrededor, poner un círculo alrededor, señalar con un círculo, rodear con un círculo, marcar con un círculo. 

Example: Additionally, subjects circled numbers from 1 to 5 to indicate how satisfying the relationship was.


» circle around = girar en torno a.

Example: The conversation on his final show circled around the supposed decline of the French language.

» circle back to = volver a.

Example: Nevertheless, librarians most often circled back to the central importance of circulation counts in weeding decisions.

Circle synonyms

lot in spanish: mucho, pronunciation: lɑt part of speech: noun set in spanish: conjunto, pronunciation: set part of speech: verb, noun round in spanish: redondo, pronunciation: raʊnd part of speech: adjective, noun, adverb ring in spanish: anillo, pronunciation: rɪŋ part of speech: noun band in spanish: banda, pronunciation: bænd part of speech: noun circuit in spanish: circuito, pronunciation: sɜrkət part of speech: noun lap in spanish: regazo, pronunciation: læp part of speech: noun surround in spanish: rodear, pronunciation: sɜraʊnd part of speech: verb roundabout in spanish: rotonda, pronunciation: raʊndəbaʊt part of speech: adjective circulate in spanish: circular, pronunciation: sɜrkjəleɪt part of speech: verb rotary in spanish: giratorio, pronunciation: roʊtɜri part of speech: adjective, noun encircle in spanish: rodear, pronunciation: ensɜrkəl part of speech: verb environ in spanish: reinar, pronunciation: envaɪrən part of speech: verb dress circle in spanish: vestido de circulo, pronunciation: dressɜrkəl part of speech: noun traffic circle in spanish: rotonda, pronunciation: træfɪksɜrkəl part of speech: noun
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