Cinder in spanish


pronunciation: θeniθɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

cinder = ceniza, carbonilla. 

Example: Here we all are, insignificant microbes on the surface of a cinder left over from the formation of the Sun.


» burn + Nombre + to (a) cinder(s) = reducir a cenizas, quemar totalmente, calcinar, carbonizar, ser pasto de las llamas.

Example: Then we just had to cross our fingers, because if a disease like foulbrood happens to infect your hive, you have to burn it to cinders.

» cinder block = bloque de hormigón. [Término más general en el inglés americano]

Example: Cinder blocks do suck up paint quickly but mine are light because I only used the left over paint from the walls.

» coal cinder = ceniza, carbonilla.

Example: Some railroad lines would appear jet black as nothing but burnt coal cinders were used to ballast the route.

Cinder synonyms

clinker in spanish: escoria de huella, pronunciation: klɪŋkɜr part of speech: noun
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