Cheek in spanish
pronunciation: mexijɑ part of speech: noun

cheek1 = mejilla, carrillo.
Example: There were many wrinkles in the hollows between his eyes and his cheeks; and the eyes were sad; they were very sad.more:
» a peck on the cheek = un besito en la mejilla, un pico en la mejilla.
Example: A peck on the cheek says that while you do like the person as a person, you are not really sure about where you want things to go.» bare-faced cheek = frescura, descaro, caradura, insolencia, impertinencia.
Example: Chris deserves a prize for bare-faced cheek.» cheekbone = pómulo.
Example: Learn proven face exercises and discover how to get rid of a double chin, lose chubby cheeks, and sculpt high cheekbones in 30 days.» cheek tooth = molar, muela.
Example: Cheek tooth extraction in horses is a procedure that has traditionally been associated with a high incidence of complications.» chubby cheek = moflete.
Example: Learn proven face exercises and discover how to get rid of a double chin, lose chubby cheeks, and sculpt high cheekbones in 30 days.» have + the cheek to = tener la osadía de, osar, tener el valor de, atreverse a, tener el atrevimiento de, tener la cara de, tener la desfachatez de, tener la frescura de, tener la desvergüenza de, tener el descaro de.
Example: When they do this I always drive even more slowly and then they have the cheek to shout at me like I'm the one in the wrong.» tongue-in-cheek = medio en broma, irónico, irónicamente.
Example: This is a tongue-in-cheek report concerned with reducing not only the 'growth rate' of library collections but also their actual size.» turn + the other cheek = poner la otra mejilla, ofrecer la otra mejilla.
Example: A mining company today, regardless of size, must be alert and knowledgeable and willing to give and occasionally 'turn the other cheek'.» what a cheek! = ¡qué caradura!, ¡qué cara más dura!, ¡qué frescura!, ¡qué desfachatez!, ¡qué descaro!.
Example: What a cheek to take credit for something she hasn't written!.» with tongue in cheek = irónicamente, sarcásticamente.
Example: Rober Oppenheimer, with his tongue in cheek, said, some years ago, that if the American 'Physical review' went on expanding at its present rate, it would be fifteen times heavier than the earth by the end of the century!.cheek2 = pierna. [En la prensa antigua de madera, cada uno de los dos soportes verticales a modo de columna que servían de apoyo a toda la prensa]
Example: The chief members of the impression carriage were two upright cheeks about 2 m. high and placed 60-65 cm. apart, carrying between them the winter and, above it, the head, two massive cross timbers mortised into the cheeks which contained the vertical thrust of the impression.