Check in spanish
pronunciation: koʊmpɹ̩oʊbɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb, noun

check1 = comprobación, control.
Example: Checks on relationships that must be represented can be executed by examining each card in turn and seeking cards which show related terms.more:
» background check = comprobación de antecedentes penales, investigación de antecedentes penales, certificado de antecedentes penales.
Example: Many public and private employers require background checks for employment purposes.» baggage check-in = facturación de equipaje.
Example: Baggage check-in closes 30 minutes prior to departure for domestic travel and 60 minutes prior to departure for international travel.» check box [checkbox] = casilla de selección, recuadro de selección. [En informática, cuadrado pequeño que aparece en la pantalla junto a información y que el usuario debe marcar or no para indicar que ha seleccionado o no la información correspondiente]
Example: The author analyzes some of the components of graphic user interfaces (GUI), applied to CD-ROM databases (windows, dialogue boxes, menus, commands, buttons, check boxes and icons) and remarks on the degree to which these are based on Windows software.» check digit = dígito de control, dígito de comprobación.
Example: All digits of the ISBN are numeric except the check digit which may be numeric or a roman numeral X.» check-in desk = recepción. [Generalmente en hoteles, hospitales, consultas, etc]
Example: For the two therapists, conducting therapy in the supermarket presented some logistical problems, such as limited access to telephones and the absence of a check-in desk.» check-in desk = mostrador de facturación. [Generalmente en los aeropuertos]
Example: Check-in desks generally open 2 hours before departure.» check-in time = hora de entrada.
Example: A block of rooms at a group rate of $159 single/double has been reserved for conference attendants -- check-in time is 3:00 p.m. and check-out time is 12 noon = Para los asistentes al congreso, se han reservado habitaciones con tarifa de grupo de 159 dólares, tanto la sencilla como la doble; siendo la hora de entrada las 3 de la tarde y la de salida a las 12 del medio día.» checklist [check-list] = lista, inventario, lista de control, lista de comprobación, hoja de toma de datos.
Example: This a checklist of features to consider in comparing and evaluating data bases.» checkout [check-out] = comprobación, verificación, inspección.
Example: To do a proper checkout, you need to remove the driveshaft and pull the bearing cups off.» checkpoint = control, puesto de control.
Example: The article 'The information highway: on ramps, checkpoints, speed bumps and tollbooths' offers a comprehensive snapshot of the current policy and practices regarding the dissemination of government information in electronic form.» checkup [check-up] = chequeo, comprobación, revisión, reconocimiento médico.
Example: The article is entitled 'How fit is your health collection?: the importance of regular check-ups: health information in the public library' = El artículo se titula "¿Está en buena forma su colección sobre salud?: la importancia de los chequeos regulares: información sanitaria en la biblioteca pública".» conduct + a check = hacer una comprobación.
Example: Now is the time to conduct the final check on each of the features of the thesaurus.» cross check = comprobación, verificación.
Example: Having the volume and part number, for example, as well as the date of issue of the periodical enables cross checks to be made.» execute + a check = hacer una comprobación.
Example: Checks on relationships that must be represented can be executed by examining each card in turn and seeking cards which show related terms.» hold + Nombre + in check = mantener controlado, mantener bajo control, controlar, mantener a raya, mantener firme, contener, frenar, refrenar, atar (en) corto.
Example: Inflation may be held in check or even reduced temporarily, but eventually industry must put up prices in order to recover these higher costs.» keep + Nombre + in check = mantener controlado, mantener bajo control, controlar, mantener a raya, mantener firme, contener, frenar, refrenar, atar (en) corto.
Example: The article 'Keeping fraudsters in check' describes computerized systems now being developed to help combat fraud.» luggage check-in = facturación de equipaje.
Example: Luggage check-in closes 45 minutes before flight.» police check = comprobación de antecedentes delictivos.
Example: The author highlights some of the complexities enmeshed within the history of policy surrounding the police checks carried out by some institutions prior to employment.» radar speed check = velocidad controlada por radar.
Example: The French government is about to ban anything that warns or announces the presence of radar speed checks.» reality check = toma de conciencia, concienciación, valoración, comprobación.
Example: This article describes the valuable role played by focus groups in providing a reality check on the usefulness of a new product or service.» road check = control de carretera.
Example: Of those surveyed, 3% had been stopped during road checks and involved in road accidents.» roadside check = control de carretera.
Example: Roadside checks will be a major part of the campaign to trap drink-drivers.» security check = control de seguridad.
Example: Please have your boarding card ready for inspection when you approach the security check.» spot check = comprobación rápida, comprobación al azar, control al azar, inspección al azar, muestreo.
Example: To answer this question, the writer made a spot check of selected schools in Texas by means of a mailed questionnaire.check2 = marca, señal.
Example: Those terms to appear in the lead position, ie are required as access terms, are indicated usually by placing a tick (check) over them.more:
» check mark [checkmark] = marca, señal.
Example: A small check mark beside a heading can indicate that the heading was found in the source.check [cheque, -UK]3 = cheque.
Example: 'Humph!' grunted the director, accepting the check with a preoccupied air = "¡Humph!" gruñó el director, aceptando el cheque con un aire preocupado.more:
» bearer cheque = cheque al portador.
Example: A bearer cheque is made payable to the bearer, i.e. it is payable to the person who presents it to the bank for encashment.» blank cheque [blank check, -USA] = cheque en blanco, carta blanca.
Example: The reputation of the present prime minister was also tarnished by confirmation that it was his practice to sign blank cheques.» crossed cheque = cheque cruzado.
Example: Crossed cheque means that it can only be paid into a bank account and cannot be paid in cash over the counter.» order cheque = cheque nominal.
Example: When order cheques are presented most banks may ask for proof of identity, this is to ensure that the money is paid to the right person.» paycheque [paycheck, -USA] = nómina, paga. [Normalmente, cheque que se le entrega al trabajador regularmente como salario o sueldo]
Example: 'We could send them letters, or distribute notices with their paychecks, or call them in -- there is no easy way' Bogardus sighed, dejectedly.» rain cheque [rain check, -USA] = billete para otro día, ticket para otro día, entrada para otro día, boleto canjeable. [Sólo para el caso de encuentros deportivos que se han cancelado]
Example: If the event is cancelled due to inclement weather, a rain cheque will be issued for use during the current season.check4 = cuenta.
Example: What is the protocol these days when it comes to paying the check on a first date (dinner, movie, coffee, etc.)?.more:
» checkout [check-out] = caja, caja de pago, cajero.
Example: Grocery stores place enough candy in your child's line of sight at the checkout line to make your dentist weep.check5
» check-in [checkin] = devolución de préstamos.
Example: Special check-in of loans is identical to regular check-in, except that a date is requested before the check-in procedure begins.» check-in = recepción.
Example: The Serials Control System handles check-in, claiming and union list of serial publications.» checkout [check-out] = préstamo, realización de préstamos.
Example: Library management systems have reduced the manual tasks of checkin, checkout, catalogue management and the like.check6
» check in = procesar la devolución del préstamo.
Example: The document is checked in and the name of the borrower for whom it is held is displayed in the call number column.» check-in = facturación.
Example: Baby changing facilities are available at the check-in areas, en-route to the boarding gates, in the departure lounge and arrivals lounge.» check in + an issue = registrar los fascículos.
Example: Functions are available to check in the issues as they arrive.» check in + at the hotel = registrarse en el hotel.
Example: After checking in at the hotel, you will have enough time for a walk at night alongside the Elbe River unless you prefer a boat tour.» check out = sacar en préstamo.
Example: The author describes a recent development that permits patrons to check out their own library materials, freeing library staff members for other tasks.» check out + book = prestar un libro, retirar un libro en préstamo.
Example: The purpose of this study was to determine if a correlation existed between the classes of books checked out and the classes of books used in the library.check7 = comprobar, cotejar, controlar, repasar, revisar, verificar, cerciorarse.
Example: This would be the last stage in the compilation of the scheme in order to check that the scheme seems likely to be effective.more:
» check against = comprobar con, cotejar con.
Example: Card catalogues are not portable, but drawers and individual cards can be removed by staff for checking against stock.» check with = dirigirse a, hablar con, consultar.
Example: Publishers attempting to cut through this nomenclature morass can check with the library's administration.» check back = volver a preguntar, volver a consultar, volver a comprobar.
Example: Inquirers should be advised to leave their names and phone numbers or to check back after staff members have had time to consider the question.» check + Equipaje + through = facturar + Equipaje.
Example: He could neither carry the guitar on the plane with him nor check it through as baggage.» check for = comprobar, buscar.
Example: This was important before computers were invented, when calculations were all done by hand, and also were done repeatedly to check for calculation errors.» check into = preguntar a, averiguar.
Example: You might want to check into local firms that do that sort of work.» check-mark = poner una marca de comprobación.
Example: Overriding slips for newspapers can be simply check-marked.» check + Nombre + off a list = tachar de una lista.
Example: In her mind, she still feared becoming another woman he'd check off the list after debauching her, almost as if he'd be done with her the second he walked out that door.» check + Nombre + over = comprobar, verificar, repasar.
Example: Now that you've checked it over, check it over again to make sure you didn't miss anything = Ahora que lo has comprobado, verifícalo de nuevo para asegurarte de que no se te ha pasado nada.» check + Nombre + through = comprobar, verificar, repasar.
Example: Let me know if there are any mistakes in the lyrics, although I have checked it through and it seems to be OK = Díme si hay algún error en la letra de la canción, aunque yo la he comprobado y parece estar bien.» check out = comprobar, examinar, analizar, ver, mirar, echar un vistazo, dar un vistazo, visitar, ir a ver, cerciorarse.
Example: Where problems do arise it is sensible to check out the training programme before blaming the assistant for poor performance of duties.» check + Reflexivo = contenerse.
Example: She was on the point of saying 'How dare you call him that?' but she checked herself.» check + the grammar = comprobar la gramática.
Example: By default, Outlook checks spelling and grammar automatically as you type.» check + the spelling = comprobar la ortografía.
Example: By default, Outlook checks spelling and grammar automatically as you type.» check to make sure = asegurarse.
Example: The system checks to make sure that no orders for the vendor are in the file and then displays a screen summarizing the vendor to be deleted.» check under + the hood = cuestiones técnicas.
Example: The article 'Your networked computer: checking under the hood' explains how the TCP/IP Protocol ensures that data from one place gets to its intended destination intact.» check up on = controlar, indagar, examinar, averiguar.
Example: The physical effort of keeping tabs on people as well as the distasteful practice of checking up on staff output achieves nothing and may do considerable damage.» cross check = comprobar, cotejar, verificar.
Example: All Allibone's work reveals how important it is for bibliographers to cross check their references and not take earlier work at its face value.» double-check [doublecheck] = comprobar, verificar, verificar dos veces.
Example: Duplicates should be double-checked before being handled as duplicates.» spell-check = comprobar la ortografía.
Example: You can configure Outlook 2010 to spell-check emails before sending so that your outgoing emails don't have any spelling mistakes.check8 = detener, refrenar, parar.
Example: They concluded that 'our citizens may rationally prefer to check crime and disorder by ounces of educational prevention, than by pounds of cure in the shape of large 'lockups' and expensive suits before the law'.more:
» unchecked = libre, sin obstáculos, descontrolado.
Example: The volume of published material tends to grow unchecked, and academic libraries are expected to provide a ready market for it.cheque [check, -USA] = cheque.
Example: Electronic funds transfer has grown in recent years at a rate of 20 per cent per annum, as compared with 72 per cent for cheques.more:
» bank cheque = cheque bancario, talón bancario.
Example: Handwritten interpretation problems in this class include determining delivery point codes from addresses, amounts from bank checks, and drug and dosage from drug prescriptions.» banker's cheque = cheque conformado, cheque bancario, efecto bancario.
Example: Banker's cheques can be used for making payments for goods and services to foreign partners such as payment for the purchase of books.» bearer cheque = cheque al portador.
Example: A bearer cheque is made payable to the bearer, i.e. it is payable to the person who presents it to the bank for encashment.» blank cheque [blank check, -USA] = cheque en blanco, carta blanca.
Example: The reputation of the present prime minister was also tarnished by confirmation that it was his practice to sign blank cheques.» bounced cheque = cheque devuelto, cheque sin fondos.
Example: Bank charges for going overdrawn or for bounced cheques are the equivalent of a charge for breach of contract, known as liquidated damages, and the courts can enforce payment.» certified cheque = cheque certificado.
Example: The offer shall be accompanied by a certified check for one hundred thousand dollars, as a guaranty of good faith.» chequebook [checkbook, -USA] = chequera, talonario, talonario de cheques.
Example: In the meanwhile, librarians could fight back by means of their chequebooks but need to be alert to the strategies by which vendors could take over their functions.» cheque + bounce = cheque + ser rechazado.
Example: In situations where a person owes money to a creditor, and the creditor is not prepared to accept a personal cheque because he thinks it might bounce, a banker's draft made out by the debtor's bank can provide a solution.» cheque + make + payable to = rellenar un cheque a nombre de.
Example: Cheques should be made payable to: IFLA Headquarters.» crossed cheque = cheque cruzado.
Example: Crossed cheque means that it can only be paid into a bank account and cannot be paid in cash over the counter.» dud cheque = cheque sin fondos. [Tambén escrito dud check en inglés americano]
Example: So long as businessmen get away with issuing dud cheques, economic growth will continue to remain hobbled.» forge + a cheque = falsificar un cheque.
Example: A man and his wife have been arrested on suspicion that they have forged his mother's checks and stolen some of her money.» give + Nombre + a blank cheque = darle a Alguien un cheque en blanco, darle a Alguien carta blanca. [Darle a alguien libertad para que haga lo que crea necesario]
Example: The chief librarian was given a blank cheque to get the library back on its feet.» issue + a cheque = extender un cheque, rellenar un cheque.
Example: The point to be made for the novice abstractor is that editors are not ghouls who must be thrown raw meat before a check is issued.» order cheque = cheque nominal.
Example: When order cheques are presented most banks may ask for proof of identity, this is to ensure that the money is paid to the right person.» paycheque [paycheck, -USA] = nómina, paga. [Normalmente, cheque que se le entrega al trabajador regularmente como salario o sueldo]
Example: 'We could send them letters, or distribute notices with their paychecks, or call them in -- there is no easy way' Bogardus sighed, dejectedly.» personal cheque = cheque personal.
Example: In situations where a person owes money to a creditor, and the creditor is not prepared to accept a personal cheque because he thinks it might bounce, a banker's draft made out by the debtor's bank can provide a solution.» rain cheque [rain check, -USA] = billete para otro día, ticket para otro día, entrada para otro día, boleto canjeable. [Sólo para el caso de encuentros deportivos que se han cancelado]
Example: If the event is cancelled due to inclement weather, a rain cheque will be issued for use during the current season.» rubber cheque = cheque sin fondos. [También escrito rubber check en inglés americano]
Example: With the old rules governing the issue not having any teeth, rubber cheques were issued as a matter of course to delay payment.» travellers' cheque = cheque de viaje.
Example: It is therefore recommended to also have some cash, an EC card or travellers' cheques with you.» write + a cheque = escribir un cheque, extender un cheque, rellenar un cheque.
Example: I was completely comfortable leaving it in her hands and just writing checks to cover the costs.