Canker in spanish

Llaga gangrenosa

pronunciation: jɑgɑgɑngɹ̩enoʊsɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

canker1 = úlcera, llaga, cancro. 

Example: If a canker girdles a trunk the area above it will be killed.


» canker sore = úlcera de la boca, afta.

Example: Both canker sores and fever blisters have plagued mankind for thousands of years.

canker2 = gangrenar, ulcerar, llagar. 

Example: The fruit began cankering only where it touched the ground.

canker3 = carcomer, corroer, infectar, concomer. 

Example: It is good that we have a tireless drive within us to pursue greatness, but somehow if we let it, it can take over and start to canker our self worth.
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