Byzantine in spanish


pronunciation: biθɑntinoʊ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

Byzantine1 = bizantino. 

Example: This Symposium acted as a brains trust on questions and problems of lexicography, as well as glossaries on Byzantine administrative terminology and the special language of hagiographic texts.


» Byzantine Empire, the = Imperio Bizantino, el.

Example: The Byzantine Empire existed for nearly 1125 years, and it's one of the greatest empires of all time.

byzantine2 = bizantino, enrevesado, enredoso. 

Example: Those elderly bureaucrats and their byzantine procedures are cherished by the customers, who tend to be uninterested in the arcane details of 'digital,' and so are relentlessly passé themselves.


» Byzantine discussion = discusión bizantina.

Example: It is exactly this kind of Byzantine discussion what has converted Marxism in a new Scholasticism.

Byzantine synonyms

complex in spanish: complejo, pronunciation: kɑmpleks part of speech: adjective, noun intricate in spanish: intrincado, pronunciation: ɪntrəkət part of speech: adjective convoluted in spanish: complejo, pronunciation: kɑnvəlutəd part of speech: adjective involved in spanish: involucrado, pronunciation: ɪnvɑlvd part of speech: adjective tortuous in spanish: tortuoso, pronunciation: tɔrtʃəwəs part of speech: adjective artful in spanish: ingenioso, pronunciation: ɑrtfəl part of speech: adjective knotty in spanish: nudoso, pronunciation: nɑti part of speech: adjective tangled in spanish: enredado, pronunciation: tæŋgəld part of speech: adjective labyrinthine in spanish: laberíntico, pronunciation: læbɜrɪnθin part of speech: adjective byzantine architecture in spanish: arquitectura bizantina, pronunciation: bɪzəntaɪnɑrkətektʃɜr part of speech: noun
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