Byte in spanish


pronunciation: bite part of speech: noun
In gestures

byte = byte. 

Example: Such a group of eight bits is often referred to as a byte.


» exabyte = exabyte.

Example: In 2017, global IP traffic will reach 1.4 zettabytes per year, or 120.6 exabytes per month.

» kilobyte = kilobyte. [Mil bytes]

Example: The available drive capacity for data will therefore be 50% of the drive's stated capacity, which is also measured in kilobytes.

» megabyte = megabyte. [Un millón de bytes o mil kilobytes. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: Such applications have rapidly increased file sizes so that megabytes of data soon became gigabytes, and eventually terabytes.

» zettabyte = zetabyte.

Example: The center will reportedly be able to store five zettabytes worth of information.

» petabyte = petabyte.

Example: Google is currently processing over 20 petabytes of data per day.

» terabyte = terabyte. [Mil gigabytes]

Example: Such applications have rapidly increased file sizes so that megabytes of data soon became gigabytes, and eventually terabytes.
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