Butcher in spanish


pronunciation: kɑɹ̩niθeɹ̩oʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

butcher1 = carnicero, matarife, charcutero. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.


» as fit as a butcher's dog = estar rebosante de salud.

Example: At the time of writing, I am as fit as a butcher's dog -- I have no health problems and will keep on acting until I can physically no longer do it.

» butcher's knife = cuchillo de carnicero.

Example: While fleecing someone with a long, sharp butcher's knife, the American grandees pose as though they were performing an act of great generosity.

» butcher's shop = carnicería, charcutería.

Example: Other activities involve students in taking field trips to the local greengrocery and/or butcher's shop, and listening to nurses, consumer activists and othe guest speakers.

» have + a butcher's (hook) = echar una ojeada, echar una mirada. [Expresión tomada del argot 'Cockney' de Londres que rima con 'have a look']

Example: The exhibition will be on for another week -- closes on the 18th, so plenty of time to come have a butcher's hook.

butcher2 = asesino. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: She said that such butchers were the enemies of humanity and that was why they deserved harsh punishment.

butcher3 = matar, despedazar. [Generalmente usado para matar un animal con fines alimenticios]

Example: By learning how to butcher a whole chicken yourself into 8 or 10 cuts, you will save money.

butcher4 = matar salvajemente, masacrar, hacer una carnicería con. 

Example: Thousands of peaceful Muslims were butchered by troops up and down the east coast.

butcher5 = destrozar, despedazar. 

Example: Lots of people using the English language make my skin crawl, mostly for the way they butcher it.

Butcher synonyms

slaughter in spanish: sacrificio, pronunciation: slɔtɜr part of speech: noun bumbler in spanish: brambo, pronunciation: bʌmblɜr part of speech: noun bungler in spanish: chapucero, pronunciation: bʌŋglɜr part of speech: noun fumbler in spanish: fumador, pronunciation: fʌmblɜr part of speech: noun blunderer in spanish: errante, pronunciation: blʌndɜrɜr part of speech: noun botcher in spanish: botcher, pronunciation: bɑtʃɜr part of speech: noun meatman in spanish: hombre de carne, pronunciation: mitmən part of speech: noun sad sack in spanish: deprimido, pronunciation: sædsæk part of speech: noun slaughterer in spanish: matarife, pronunciation: slɔtɜrɜr part of speech: noun
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