Burning in spanish


pronunciation: ɑɹ̩diente part of speech: noun
In gestures

burn3 = quemar, arder, consumir, prender fuego, abrasar. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio burnt/burned]

Example: In Italy, Mussoline was burning books and suppressing libraries with appalling regularity.


» burn + a hole in + Posesivo + pocket = hacer un agujero en el bolsillo, costar un ojo de la cara.

Example: Over a period of time, the electricity consumed by your aquarium can burn a hole in your pocket.

» burn + calories = quemar calorías.

Example: I didn't go to the gym today so I'm just punching the air and jumping on my bed burning calories.

» burn-'em-down-build-'em-up = ya lo quitas, ya lo pones; de quita y pon.

Example: But if they don't, the practical result of those burn-'em-down-build-'em-up Phoenix schedules is to destroy call-number integrity = Pero si no es así, el resultado práctico de esas clases fénix que ya las quitas, ya las pones es destruir la integridad de la signatura topográfica.

» burn in + hell = arder en el infierno.

Example: I understand that I'm gonna burn in hell -- now stop bothering me, and go sell your religion and bibles to someone else!.

» burn + Nombre + alive = quemar vivo.

Example: Last May, a man bound the legs of a dog, doused her with lighter fluid and burned her alive.

» burn + Nombre + at the stake = quemar en la hoguera, morir quemado en la hoguera.

Example: In days gone by, they'd have burned her at the stake.

» burn + Nombre + down = reducir a cenizas, quemar totalmente, calcinar.

Example: I wish officials would have taken the necessary precautions to preserve it and protect it from the assholes who burned it down.

» burn + Nombre + to (a) cinder(s) = reducir a cenizas, quemar totalmente, calcinar, carbonizar, ser pasto de las llamas.

Example: Then we just had to cross our fingers, because if a disease like foulbrood happens to infect your hive, you have to burn it to cinders.

» burn + Nombre + to ashes = reducir a cenizas, quemar totalmente, calcinar, carbonizar, ser pasto de las llamas.

Example: Then set it on fire and burn it to ashes.

» burn + Nombre + to death = quemar vivo.

Example: The enemy's order was to cause maximum damage, and many residents were burned to death or strafed by fighter planes.

» burn + Nombre + to the ground = reducir a cenizas, quemar totalmente, calcinar, ser pasto de las llamas.

Example: I don't really understand how someone could put so much work into something only to burn it to the ground.

» burn out = quemar completamente, arder completamente, ser pasto de las llamas.

Example: The National Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo was bombed and burnt out with the loss of 90 per cent of its stock.

» burn + Posesivo + boats = quemar las naves.

Example: Expecting to go to America with her boyfriend, staff nurse Sally Chalmers burnt her boats and resigned her job only to be left behind!.

» burn + Posesivo + bridges = quemar las naves.

Example: She has burned her bridges in England so badly that the actress now has to leave the country altogether.

» burn + Posesivo + mouth = quemarse la boca.

Example: The prisoners pounced on the food like hungry beasts and, champing noisily, gulped down the soup greedily, hardly chewing the meat, and burning their mouths.

» burn + Reflexivo + out = consumirse ardiendo, arder hasta consumirse.

Example: It seems these huge explosions are caused by the death throes of stars twenty times the size of our Sun, which burn themselves out and explode.

» burn + the candle at both ends = trabajar de sol a sol, robarle tiempo al sueño, hacer de la noche día, intentar abarcar demasiado, intentar abarcar más de la cuenta.

Example: Americans are attempting to fit ever more into 24 hours, and many appear willing to 'burn the candle at both ends' to accomplish that.

» burn + the midnight oil = trabajar hasta muy tarde, estudiar hasta muy tarde.

Example: It was by burning the midnight oil that Churchill achieved such a phenomenal output, doing his best work in the quiet hours of the night.

» burn to + disc = grabar en CD.

Example: I am using Nero as a burning software and I need to use a multi-session backup in order to burn to disc the images at the end of each working day.

» Posesivo + ears + be + burning = Pronombre + pitar + los oídos, Pronombre + zumbar + los oídos.

Example: I wondered why my ears were burning the other day -- then I found out that you and Ashley were gossiping about me!.

» fiddle while + Rome burns = quedarse de brazos cruzados ante un problema, perder el tiempo con nimiedades ignorando el verdadero problema.

Example: American political theorists are basically fiddling while Rome burns, talking about pie-in-the-sky versions of democracy, when they can't even figure out how to keep crazy people out of positions of significant power.

» have + money to burn = tener dinero para dar y regalar, estar podrido de dinero, tener dinero para empapelar, tener dinero a punta pala.

Example: Companies promoting 'weight loss breakthroughs' can spend six figures on commercials and still have money to burn.

» money + burn + a hole in + Posesivo + pocket = dinero + quemar + en el bolsillo, dinero + quemar + las manos.

Example: She had a bit of spare money and she intended to not let it burn a hole in her pocket.

» sunburn = quemarse por el sol.

Example: Almost everyone has been sunburned or will become sunburned at some time.

burning1 = quema, combustión. 

Example: The author laments the demise of the paper card catalogue as a 'paroxysm of shortsightedness and antiintellectualism' on the part of over zealous librarians, wreaking destruction in a class with the burning of the library at Alexandria.


» book burning = quema de libros.

Example: The article has the title 'Thermochemically activated oxidation: Mother Nature's book burning'.

» burning software = programa de grabación en CD, software de grabación en CD.

Example: I am using Nero as a burning software and I need to use a multi-session backup in order to burn to disc the images at the end of each working day.

» bush burning = quema de matorrales, quema de arbustos.

Example: The state government has embarked on an afforestation project and has prohibited bush burning to reduce desertification.

» coal-burning stove = cocina de carbón, cocina a carbón.

Example: Smoking and air pollution from coal-burning stoves were classed as independent risk factors of lung cancer.

» log-burning stove = estufa de leña.

Example: If it's not your turn to cook, you can lie in front of the log-burning stove, before laying the table.

» wood burning = uso de leña para quemar, uso de leña para la combustión.

Example: If you get serious about wood burning, you must always think one full year ahead and buy this years wood for next year.

burning2 = quemazón. 

Example: Abnormal nerve sensations such as pins-and-needles, burning, prickling or similar feelings are all known as 'paresthesias'.


» burning sensation = ardor, picazón, ictericia, escozor, comezón.

Example: Some infected women have an abnormal vaginal discharge or a burning sensation when urinating.

burning3 = abrasador, ardiente. 

Example: A choking emotion, partly made up of incredulity and in part a burning resentment filled Drew Pope.


» burning bush, the = zarza ardiente, la.

Example: A brief selection of possible scientific explanations for a number of biblical miracles -- Noah's flood, the parting of the Red Sea, the burning bush, the ten plagues, manna from heaven, and the raising of Lazarus -- is provided = Se aporta una breve selección de posibles explicaciones científicas a numerosos milagros bíblicos: El diluvio de Noé, el paso del Mar Rojo, la zarza ardiente, las diez plagas, el maná del cielo y la resurrección de Lázaro.

» burning coal = ascua, brasa.

Example: I have become a fakir but I haven't started tramping barefoot over burning coals, meditating, levitating, or living on air and I have no foreseeable intention of doing so.

» burning desire = deseo incontenible, deseo ardiente.

Example: It is out of these challenges that athletes develop a fierce, burning desire to succeed.

» burning gas = gas irritante.

Example: Such poisonous and burning gases as ozone and chlorine dioxide should be excluded in restoration workshops.

» burning issue = asunto candente, tema candente, cuestión candente.

Example: Literacy teaching is not a burning issue in library education but it warrants attention.

» burning question = asunto candente, tema candente, cuestión candente.

Example: A panel of experts representing the various sectors of the serials industry -- librarians, publishers, and subscription agents -- gave participants the chance to answer a number of burning questions.

» burning wish = deseo incontenible, deseo ardiente.

Example: But he a secret: a flame of revenge that blazes inside him and a burning wish to find the twin sister he lost seven years ago.

Burning synonyms

burn in spanish: quemar, pronunciation: bɜrn part of speech: verb, noun ardent in spanish: ardiente, pronunciation: ɑrdənt part of speech: adjective alight in spanish: posarse, pronunciation: əlaɪt part of speech: verb fervent in spanish: ferviente, pronunciation: fɜrvənt part of speech: adjective fiery in spanish: ardiente, pronunciation: faɪɜri part of speech: adjective lit in spanish: iluminado, pronunciation: lɪt part of speech: noun torrid in spanish: tórrido, pronunciation: tɔrəd part of speech: adjective blazing in spanish: flameante, pronunciation: bleɪzɪŋ part of speech: adjective painful in spanish: doloroso, pronunciation: peɪnfəl part of speech: adjective fervid in spanish: fervoroso, pronunciation: fɜrvəd part of speech: adjective combustion in spanish: combustión, pronunciation: kəmbʌstʃən part of speech: noun impassioned in spanish: apasionado, pronunciation: ɪmpæʃənd part of speech: adjective perfervid in spanish: ardiente, pronunciation: pɜrfɜrvəd part of speech: adjective afire in spanish: un incendio, pronunciation: əfaɪr part of speech: adverb ablaze in spanish: ardiendo, pronunciation: əbleɪz part of speech: adjective flaming in spanish: llameante, pronunciation: fleɪmɪŋ part of speech: adjective electrocution in spanish: electrocución, pronunciation: ɪlektrəkjuʃən part of speech: noun aflame in spanish: inflamado, pronunciation: əfleɪm part of speech: adjective fueled in spanish: alimentado, pronunciation: fjuəld part of speech: adjective lighted in spanish: iluminado, pronunciation: laɪtəd part of speech: adjective on fire in spanish: en llamas, pronunciation: ɑnfaɪɜr aflare in spanish: aflare, pronunciation: ɑflɑr part of speech: adjective burning at the stake in spanish: ardiendo en la hoguera, pronunciation: bɜrnɪŋætðəsteɪk part of speech: noun
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