Bullshit in spanish
pronunciation: mieɹ̩dɑ part of speech: noun
pronunciation: mieɹ̩dɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures
bullshit1 = gilipolleces, chorradas, sandeces, pamplinas, mierda, memeces.
Example: For a majority of likely voters, meaningless bullshit will be the most important factor in deciding who they will vote for in 2008.more:
» bullshit artist = farsante, fanfarrón, fantasma, cantamañanas, farolero, bocazas.
Example: But we all know a bullshit artist when we encounter one, and we know the feelings of inauthenticity, falsity, and hollowness the bullshit artist evokes.» crock of (bull)shit = estupideces, tonterías, pamplinadas, sandeces, idioteces, necedades, gilipolleces, memeces.
Example: In that pea-sized brain of yours you have to know that's a crock of bullshit.» cut + the bullshit = cortar el rollo, dejarse de gilipolleces.
Example: She then told him to cut the bullshit and get his act together, fast.» money talks and bullshit walks = el dinero habla por sí solo y lo demás son tonterías, poderoso caballero es Don Dinero, el dinero es poder.
Example: Apparently only customers who are of royal blood can merit such distinction -- luckily for him, 'money talks and bullshit walks'.bullshit2 = fingir, engañar, tirarse un farol.
Example: Being able to bullshit effectively requires at least a modicum of knowledge about the subject at hand.bullshit3 = decir gilipolleces, decir chorradas, decir sandeces, decir pamplinas.
Example: We want them to sit down and do the agreements in good faith and stop bullshitting in the press.