Buck in spanish


pronunciation: doʊlɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

buck1 = dólar. [Término coloquial americano]

Example: The campaign entitled 'Billions of books and billions of bucks' challenges young people to increase the numbers of books they read for purpose of enjoyment and education.


» big bucks = mucho dinero.

Example: One myth is that online instruction requires big bucks.

» earn + an honest buck = ganarse la vida honradamente, ganarse el pan honradamente, ganarse la vida honestamente, ganarse el pan honestamente.

Example: Since rumor has it that they are broke and are primarily scam artists, maybe she is trying to earn an honest buck for a change.

» feel (like) + a million bucks = sentirse a las mil maravillas, sentirse maravilloso, sentirse en el séptimo cielo.

Example: You'll accomplish nothing but you'll feel like a million bucks!!.

» look (like) + a million bucks = estar para comérselo, estar despampanante, estar maravilloso.

Example: She looked like a million bucks when she walked the red carpet for the opening ceremony of the Film Festival last night.

» make + a buck = hacer dinero.

Example: Figure out your own way to make a buck, rather than waiting for the buck to come to you.

» make + a fast buck = hacer dinero fácil, ganar dinero fácil.

Example: They are in a race to make a fast buck and make it big.

» make + a quick buck = hacer dinero fácil, ganar dinero fácil.

Example: In this chapter, I will show you some ways to make a quick buck, either at school, work, or anywhere.

» pass + the buck = pasar el muerto, pasar el mochuelo, pasar la pelota, cargarle el muerto a Alguien, cargarle el mochuelo a Alguien, cargar con el muerto, cargar con el mochuelo, eludir la responsabilidad, escabullir el bulto, escurrir el bulto, pasar la pelota. [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro]

Example: The article 'Is everyone passing the buck?' concludes that the best way forward is to establish a legal deposit framework for electronic materials.

» spend + big (bucks) = gastarse mucho dinero, gastarse un montón, gastarse una pasta, gastar a lo grande.

Example: More runners are spending big bucks on orthotics.

» the buck + stops... = la responsabilidad es de....

Example: The objective of this article is clearly to indicate 'where the buck stops'; owners being ultimately responsible for certain information, including its security.

» turn + an honest buck = ganarse la vida honradamente, ganarse el pan honradamente, ganarse la vida honestamente, ganarse el pan honestamente.

Example: These crooked promoters could have turned an honest buck with their great ideas if they had not been so intent on cheating the public.

buck2 = ciervo, venado. [Ciervo macho]

Example: Quickly, I glassed him and saw he was a really big buck even through thick brush.


» buck knife = navaja.

Example: This tradition of given a young man a buck knife to welcome him into manhood is now somewhat archaic.

» buck's night = despedida de soltero, fiesta de despedida de soltero.

Example: So, you've been enlisted with the job of best man, which ultimately means planning the buck's party of a lifetime.

» buck-toothed = con dientes salidos, con dientes de conejo. 

Example: Classic examples of this technique are Jim Woodring's dream-like, wordless adventures of 'Frank,' the buck-toothed cat.

buck3 = encabritarse, concorvear, levantarse en dos patas, resistirse, oponerse. 

Example: While some prostate cancers may be as meek as a lamb, others can buck like a bull.


» buck + the system = ir en contra del sistema, resistirse.

Example: The article 'How to buck the system and win' emphasises the importance of finding a job that demands one's highest skills and that encourages one's motivated interests.

» get back on + the horse (that bucked you) = salir del agüjero, recuperarse, sobreponerse, volver a empezar, empezar una nueva vida, comenzar una nueva vida.

Example: That was definitely one of the lowest moments of my career, but I'm a positive guy, so I'll get back on the horse and get going again.

Buck synonyms

charge in spanish: cargar, pronunciation: tʃɑrdʒ part of speech: noun horse in spanish: caballo, pronunciation: hɔrs part of speech: noun tear in spanish: lágrima, pronunciation: ter part of speech: verb shoot in spanish: disparar, pronunciation: ʃut part of speech: verb, noun jerk in spanish: imbécil, pronunciation: dʒɜrk part of speech: noun, verb hitch in spanish: enganche, pronunciation: hɪtʃ part of speech: noun, verb subordinate in spanish: subordinar, pronunciation: səbɔrdəneɪt part of speech: adjective clam in spanish: almeja, pronunciation: klæm part of speech: noun dollar in spanish: dólar, pronunciation: dɑlɜr part of speech: noun sawbuck in spanish: billete de diez dólares, pronunciation: sɔbək part of speech: noun sawhorse in spanish: burro, pronunciation: sɔhɜrs part of speech: noun low-level in spanish: nivel bajo, pronunciation: loʊlevəl part of speech: adjective dollar bill in spanish: billete de un dólar, pronunciation: dɑlɜrbɪl part of speech: noun go against in spanish: Ir en contra, pronunciation: goʊəgenst part of speech: verb one dollar bill in spanish: billete de un dólar, pronunciation: wʌndɑlɜrbɪl part of speech: noun bucked in spanish: golpeado, pronunciation: bʌkt part of speech: verb shoot down in spanish: derribar, pronunciation: ʃutdaʊn part of speech: verb vaulting horse in spanish: Potro de madera, pronunciation: vɔltɪŋhɔrs part of speech: noun long horse in spanish: caballo largo, pronunciation: lɔŋhɔrs part of speech: noun
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