pronunciation: deskɑnsoʊ
part of speech: noun
breather = descanso. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]
Example: After a short breather, we prepped ourselves for the six courses to follow.
» take + a breather = tomar un descanso, tomarse un respiro.
Example: Though we should bear in mind that a talk needs moments of relaxation, when we forget the main topic for a short time while our minds 'take a breather' and we recoup our energy.
Breather synonyms
in spanish: respiración,
pronunciation: breθ
part of speech: noun
in spanish: tubo respirador,
pronunciation: snɔrkəl
part of speech: noun
in spanish: schnorchel,
pronunciation: ʃnɔrkəl
part of speech: noun
in spanish: tubo de respiración,
pronunciation: ʃnɔrkəl
part of speech: noun
breathing space
in spanish: espacio para respirar,
pronunciation: briðɪŋspeɪs
part of speech: noun
snorkel breather
in spanish: respirar snorkel,
pronunciation: snɔrkəlbriðɜr
part of speech: noun
breathing place
in spanish: lugar de respiración,
pronunciation: briðɪŋpleɪs
part of speech: noun
breathing spell
in spanish: hechizo de respiracion,
pronunciation: briðɪŋspel
part of speech: noun
breathing time
in spanish: tiempo de respiracion,
pronunciation: briðɪŋtaɪm
part of speech: noun