Booze in spanish

Bebida alcohólica

pronunciation: bebidɑlkoʊoʊlikɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

booze1 = bebida, alcohol, alpiste. [Algunas veces escrito boose]

Example: I have to hand it to you, maybe you've got some booze in you or maybe you just like to hang loose, but you put on quite a show.


» be on the booze = empinar el codo, darle a la botella.

Example: We've been on the booze since 8am and plan to get smashed.

» booze-up = francachela, juerga, borrachera.

Example: As you get older is everyone else finding it a lot harder the morning after booze-ups?.

» BYOB [Bring Your Own Bottle/Booze] = trae tu propia bebida. [Usado en las invitaciones a las fiestas de amigos o en algunos restaurantes que no venden alcohol]

Example: The average BYOB restaurant's menu is priced $5 to $10 higher per entry to make up for the loss of beverage sales.

booze2 = beber, empinar el codo, darle a la botella. [Algunas veces escrito boose ]

Example: While he boozed, Kerry was on three athletic teams and became a notable college debater.

Booze synonyms

drink in spanish: beber, pronunciation: drɪŋk part of speech: noun, verb liquor in spanish: espíritu, pronunciation: lɪkɜr part of speech: noun spirits in spanish: espíritu, pronunciation: spɪrɪts part of speech: noun fuddle in spanish: emborracharse, pronunciation: fʌdəl part of speech: verb john barleycorn in spanish: John barleycorn, pronunciation: dʒɑnbɑrlikɔrn part of speech: noun hard liquor in spanish: Licor fuerte, pronunciation: hɑrdlɪkɜr part of speech: noun strong drink in spanish: bebida fuerte, pronunciation: strɔŋdrɪŋk part of speech: noun hard drink in spanish: bebida fuerte, pronunciation: hɑrddrɪŋk part of speech: noun
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