pronunciation: toʊɹ̩peθɑ
part of speech: noun
blunder1 = error garrafal, error craso, metedura de pata, gazapo, pifia, pifiaso.
Example: There is no better way for reference librarians to see how their efforts are perceived by library users than to see themselves in action -- blunders and all.
» commit + a blunder = cometer un error garrafal.
Example: Library staff should be provided with the opportunity to see blunders which they occasionally commit as well as the laudable 'savoir faire' with which they dispatch some reference question.» make + a blunder = meter la pata, cometer un error garrafal, cometer un disparate, tirarse una plancha, meter una pifia, meter un pifiaso, pifiar.
Example: Since its independence 61 years ago our nation has erred, but this time they have made a blunder.blunder2 = meter la pata, cometer un error garrafal, cometer un disparate, tirarse una plancha, meter una pifia, meter un pifiaso, pifiar.
Example: Michael Howard has blundered again, and again he has done so by trying to imitate Blair while lacking his finesse.
» blunder into = cometer el error de, caer en el error de.
Example: Australia risks blundering into a human rights mess that will exacerbate the conflict.
Blunder synonyms
in spanish: soplo,
pronunciation: bloʊ
part of speech: noun, verb
in spanish: mimar,
pronunciation: spɔɪl
part of speech: verb, noun
in spanish: pecado,
pronunciation: sɪn
part of speech: noun
in spanish: tropezón,
pronunciation: stʌmbəl
part of speech: verb, noun
in spanish: buscar a tientas,
pronunciation: fʌmbəl
part of speech: verb, noun
in spanish: pelusa,
pronunciation: flʌf
part of speech: noun
in spanish: teta,
pronunciation: bub
part of speech: noun
in spanish: chapucear,
pronunciation: bɑtʃ
part of speech: noun, verb
in spanish: metedura de pata,
pronunciation: boʊnɜr
part of speech: noun
in spanish: bobo,
pronunciation: guf
part of speech: noun, verb
in spanish: manguito,
pronunciation: mʌf
part of speech: noun
in spanish: cojones,
pronunciation: bɑləks
part of speech: verb
in spanish: flub,
pronunciation: flʌb
part of speech: noun, verb
in spanish: estropear,
pronunciation: bʌŋgəl
part of speech: verb, noun
in spanish: blooper,
pronunciation: blupɜr
part of speech: noun
in spanish: borla,
pronunciation: bɔbəl
part of speech: verb
screw up
in spanish: arrugar,
pronunciation: skruʌp
part of speech: verb
in spanish: Bollix,
pronunciation: bɑlɪks
part of speech: verb
in spanish: manejar mal,
pronunciation: mɪshændəl
part of speech: verb
mess up
in spanish: estropear,
pronunciation: mesʌp
part of speech: verb
in spanish: Boo Boo,
pronunciation: bubu
part of speech: noun
trip up
in spanish: tropezar,
pronunciation: trɪpʌp
part of speech: verb
slip up
in spanish: desliz,
pronunciation: slɪpʌp
part of speech: verb
in spanish: cometer errores,
pronunciation: faʊləp
part of speech: noun
in spanish: error,
pronunciation: mɪsdoʊɪŋ
part of speech: noun
muck up
in spanish: arruinar,
pronunciation: mʌkʌp
part of speech: verb
foul up
in spanish: estropear,
pronunciation: faʊlʌp
part of speech: verb
ball up
in spanish: pelota,
pronunciation: bɔlʌp
part of speech: verb
botch up
in spanish: chapucear,
pronunciation: bɑtʃʌp
part of speech: verb
louse up
in spanish: desperdiciar,
pronunciation: laʊsʌp
part of speech: verb
bollix up
in spanish: bollix hasta,
pronunciation: bɑlɪksəp
part of speech: verb
bollocks up
in spanish: bollocks hasta,
pronunciation: bɑləksəp
part of speech: verb