pronunciation: kɑmpɑnijɑ
part of speech: noun
bluebell = campánula, campánula azul, campanilla.
Example: England has a wealth of wild flowers including snowdrops, daffodils, bluebells, primroses, buttercups and cowslips.
Bluebell synonyms
in spanish: campánula,
pronunciation: herbel
part of speech: noun
tulip gentian
in spanish: tulipán genciana,
pronunciation: tuləpdʒenʃən
part of speech: noun
prairie gentian
in spanish: genciana de la pradera,
pronunciation: preridʒenʃən
part of speech: noun
campanula rotundifolia
in spanish: campanula rotundifolia,
pronunciation: kɑmpɑnjuləroʊtəndəfoʊliə
part of speech: noun
wild hyacinth
in spanish: jacinto salvaje,
pronunciation: waɪldhaɪəsɪnθ
part of speech: noun
eustoma grandiflorum
in spanish: eustoma grandiflorum,
pronunciation: justəməgrændɪflrəm
part of speech: noun
hyacinthoides nonscripta
in spanish: hyacinthoides nonscripta,
pronunciation: haɪəsɪnθɔɪdeɪznɑnskrɪptə
part of speech: noun
scilla nonscripta
in spanish: scilla nonscripta,
pronunciation: sɪlənɑnskrɪptə
part of speech: noun
wood hyacinth
in spanish: jacinto de madera,
pronunciation: wʊdhaɪəsɪnθ
part of speech: noun