Blind in spanish
pronunciation: θiegoʊ part of speech: adjective, noun

blind1 = ciego.
Example: It is the order of words that helps us to distinguish between 'office post' and 'post office' or, to quote the hackneyed example, 'blind Venetian' and 'Venetian blind'.more:
» as blind as a bat = no ver tres en un burro, más ciego que un topo.
Example: John Lennon was as blind as a bat and couldn't see very far without his glasses on.» be a case of the blind leading the blind = en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey. [Situación en la que una persona que no sabe lleva a otra que tampoco]
Example: I'm trying to help a friend with this software, but I'm afraid it's a case of the blind leading the blind.» be blind to = no ver, no percatarse de, no darse cuenta de.
Example: Influence and control is currently wielded by sterile professionals who are blind to the need to develop services beyond print.» become + blind = volverse ciego, perder la vista.
Example: The author describes how a school librarian in Canada who became blind overcame her handicap to continue her library work.» become + blind to = dejar de ver, dejar de percatarse de.
Example: This task requires that the robot's intelligent controller does not becoming blind to the wide variety of anomalies that may occur.» blind alley = callejón sin salida.
Example: It is of course possible to stamp 'Withdrawn' on the accessions card, but it would be better not to lead the reader up this blind alley if it can be avoided.» blind date = cita con un extraño, cita a ciegas.
Example: The article is entitled 'A marriage made in heaven or a blind date: successful library-faculty partnering in distance education.» blind drunk = borracho como una cuba, ciego, beodo, mamado.
Example: New research published today finds that even having just one stiff drink can make you 'blind drunk'.» blind faith = fe ciega.
Example: His faith was pretty blind and his arrogance, luckily, borne with uncomplaining good humor by his colleagues.» blind guess = respuesta al azar, cálculo a ojo, cálculo a ojo de buen cubero.
Example: This decision should be based on an educated decision not a blind guess.» blind love = amor ciego.
Example: The story amounts to blind love equals bloodbath and media exploitation in rural America.» blind man = ciego.
Example: Volunteering to answer a query that has not yet been asked is like helping a blind man to the other side of the street without first making sure he wants to cross.» blind refereeing = evaluación por expertos anónima. [En edición, evaluación de una publicación en la que el autor desconoce quién es el evaluador]
Example: Data collection includes sample forms sent to referees, total number of referees used and referees used per article, annual numbers of manuscripts submitted and accepted and solicited, blind or open refereeing, and advice to authors = Entre los datos recogidos están formularios de muestra enviados a los expertos, número toal de expertos utilizados y expextos usados por artículo, total anual de manuscritos enviados, aceptados y solicitados, evaluación por expertos anónima o abierta y normativa enviada a los autores.» blind reference = referencia ciega, referencia vacía.
Example: In this way we could always insure that there would be no blind references, and that any change of a heading would be automatically reflected in all reciprocal records.» blind review = evaluación anónima.
Example: All papers undergo blind review by external peer reviewers.» blind review = evaluar anónimante.
Example: Submissions will be blind reviewed by one or more recognised expert(s) in the topics under discussion.» blindside = coger por sorpresa, sorprender. [Literalmente significa "sorprender atacando por el lado ciego"]
Example: Smart and speedy start-ups blindside mature companies with their inventiveness then grow up into mature companies and are outsmarted in their turn.» blind spot = punto ciego, punto débil, punto flaco. [Zona que está fuera del campo de visión de una persona como, por ejemplo, al mirar por los espejos retrovisores de un coche]
Example: Contemporary library and information science discourse is plagued with tunnel vision and blind spots that seriously affect the profession's efforts to plan the library's future = La biblioteca contemporánea y el discurso de las ciencias de la información están plagados de visiones subjetivas y de puntos débiles que seriamente afectan a los esfuerzos de la profesión para planificar el futuro de la biblioteca.» blind spot = ángulo muerto.
Example: Major blind spots are located to the left and right of your vehicle just behind your normal field of forward vision.» blind, the = ciegos, los. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
Example: Newspapers have not been available to the blind except in shortened recorded versions, mostly received long after sighted persons get their newspapers.» blind trust = fe ciega.
Example: The trust in science and technology is based on the universal benefits acquired through publicly funded research rather than blind trust in any research efforts.» colour-blind = no racial.
Example: There has been a shift from overt ideologies of racial supremacy to more subtle symbolic narratives purporting to be colour-blind.» colour blind = daltónico.
Example: Men are more likely to be colour blind than women -- approximately 8% of men are affected by colour blindness compared to only 0.4% of women.» colour blind person = daltónico.
Example: Shades of red and green might look brownish to a colour blind person.» double-blind = sistema de evaluación anónima. [Método utilizado para evaluar los artículos enviados a una revista científica o congreso según el cual ni el evaluador conoce el nombre de la persona que está evaluando ni ésta la de aquél]
Example: All papers will be reviewed by at least three reviewers in a process commonly known as double-blind.» double-blind refereeing system = sistema de evaluación por pares anónima. [Método utilizado para evaluar los artículos enviados a una revista científica o congreso según el cual ni el evaluador conoce el nombre de la persona que está evaluando ni ésta la de aquél]
Example: Journal editors are encouraged to adopt a double-blind refereeing system to increase objectivity.» gender blind = insensible a las diferencias de género.
Example: Their analyses are steeped in a tradition that is largely gender blind.» go + blind = perder la vista, volverse ciego.
Example: My mother and two of her sisters developed glaucoma and in spite of following doctor's orders, each went blind.» in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king = en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey.
Example: As the saying goes, in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.» in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king = en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey.
Example: As the old saying goes, in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.» in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king = en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey.
Example: Another less talked about reason for the strength in the dollar right now is as the old saying goes 'In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king'.» library for the blind = biblioteca para ciegos. [Biblioteca especializada en material que los ciegos u otros con problemas de vista puedan leer y usar]
Example: The first library for the blind was established in 1892, but only dealt in books in Braille.» swear + blind that = jurar y perjurar que.
Example: But my Dad's my Dad, whatever he's done in the past, and he swears blind that he'll be keeping on the straight and narrow from now on.» turn + a blind eye to = ignorar, hacerse el ciego, hacerse el sordo, hacerse el loco, hacer la vista gorda.
Example: Teachers and librarians cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the literature a child is brought up with at home, no matter how anemic and worthless it may seem to be.blind2 = persiana.
Example: It is the order of words that helps us to distinguish between 'office post' and 'post office' or, to quote the hackneyed example, 'blind Venetian' and 'Venetian blind'.more:
» blind bend = curva de visibilidad reducida.
Example: An idiot driver overtook a learner driver on a blind bend and nearly had a head on collision.» blind hill = cambio de rasante.
Example: Heading north coming to a blind hill, Burgio almost crashed head-on in another car.» roller blind = persiana.
Example: Particular problems with reflections in VDU screens may need special diffused lighting or roller blinds, for example.» Venetian blind = persiana veneciana, persiana de lamas.
Example: Venetian blinds with slats an inch wide are worth $20 to $300.blind3 = en seco.
Example: Various skins were used for leather bindings -- calf, goat, and sheep were the commonest -- and the surface was often decorated with heated brass tools, either using gold leaf (gilt) or plain (blind).more:
» blind impression = impresión en seco. [Zurcos correspondientes a las letras o adornos que se han impreso sobre la cubierta o el lomo de un libro]
Example: For gold tooling, impressions of the tools were first made in blind and then an adhesive glair of egg white was next brushed into the blind impression, allowed to dry, and greased.» blind-tooled = impreso en seco.
Example: Many books were still large and solid, their blind-tooled covers secured with clasps or ties.» blind tooling = impresión en seco. [Grabación en la cubierta o el lomo de un libro de letras o adornos de tal modo que se deja un hueco que posteriormente suele ser decorado de algún modo]
Example: The tools were heated for use at a small furnace, and no further preparation was necessary for blind tooling.» in blind = en seco. [Se aplica a la impresión de los huecos correspondientes a letras o adornos en la cubierta o lomo de un libro]
Example: For gold tooling, impressions of the tools were first made in blind and then an adhesive glair of egg white was next brushed into the blind impression, allowed to dry, and greased.blind4 = cegar, dejar ciego, deslumbrar.
Example: This article presents a sketch of a young solicitor blinded in adolescence and describes library services currently available for him in Australia.more:
» blind + Pronombre + to the fact that = cegarse ante el hecho de que.
Example: None of these problems should blind us to the fact that the collection of documents we are dealing with remains the same, as do the demands made on it.» eff and blind = decir palabrotas, soltar palabrotas, insultar, blasfemar, jurar, decir tacos, soltar tacos.
Example: When they started to eff and blind just for the sake of it, I felt they lost the plot a bit.