Blessing in spanish
pronunciation: bendiθioʊn part of speech: noun
pronunciation: bendiθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

bless (with) = agraciar, bendecir.
Example: This conference has been blessed with the presence of the brilliant mind of Seymour Lubetzky.more:
» God bless + Nombre/Pronombre! = ¡Dios + Pronombre + bendiga!, ¡Dios bendiga a + Nombre!.
Example: Old Langeford -- God bless him! -- didn't feel this was necessary and always found ways of circumventing the issue = El viejo Langeford, ¡Dios lo bendiga!, no pensaba que esto fuese necesario y siempre encontraba el modo de evitar discutir la cuestión.blessing = bendición, beneplácito.
Example: The article 'The blessings of providence on an association of archivists' recounts the history of the Society of American Archivists, founded in 1935.more:
» be a blessing in disguise = no hay mal que por bien no venga, puede que al final sea para bien.
Example: The present crisis of careerism versus liberal arts is a blessing in disguise, forcing humanities faculty to adjust their teaching and thinking to basic questions of value and use.» be a mixed blessing = ser un arma de dos filos, ser un arma de doble filo, tener sus pros y sus contras.
Example: This feature, portability, can be a mixed blessing-things which can be moved have a habit of disappearing.» count + Posesivo + blessings = tener suerte, dar gracias por lo que Uno tiene.
Example: The article 'Count your blessings' evaluates the features and performance of 7 log-file analyzers designed to analyze the traffic using World Wide Web (WWW) Web sites.