Blank in spanish
pronunciation: blɑnkoʊ part of speech: adjective, noun

blank1 = espacio en blanco. [Nombre]
Example: The space bar inserts a space (blank) on the screen and, at the same time, moves the cursor one space to the right.more:
» beginning blank = espacio en blanco inicial.
Example: In this figure, the character 'b' is used to indicate beginning or trailing blanks which belong the ISBD punctuation.» draw + a blank = no saber qué hacer a continuación.
Example: He must assure himself that he has indeed eliminated every possibility that lies within his power before concluding that he has indeed drawn a blank.» go + blank = quedarse en blanco.
Example: A program should always tell the operator what it is doing once an instruction has been given: there is nothing more nerve-wracking than to enter a command and have the screen go totally blank!.» leave + Nombre + blank = dejar en blanco.
Example: For our selection this field is left blank.» mind + go blank = mente + quedarse en blanco, tener un bloqueo mental, quedarse (con la mente) en blanco.
Example: If there is a lot of people I start getting anxiety attacks and, like you, my mind goes blank -- I can't think or move.» point blank = categóricamente, rotundamente, a bocajarro, a quemarropa, a boca de jarro.
Example: Something's telling me that an average murderer would get as close as a foot from the head, but not point blank.» trailing blank = espacio en blanco final.
Example: In this figure, the character 'b' is used to indicate beginning or trailing blanks which belong the ISBD punctuation.blank2 = en blanco. [Adjetivo]
Example: By the seventeenth century it was becoming common to protect the title page with an initial blank leaf; which in turn, by the eighteenth century, often had a short-title printed on it (the half-title) = En el siglo XVII era cada vez más normal proteger la portada con una hoja en blanco inicial sobre la que en el siglo XVIII frecuentemente se imprimía un título breve (la anteportada).more:
» blank cheque [blank check, -USA] = cheque en blanco, carta blanca.
Example: The reputation of the present prime minister was also tarnished by confirmation that it was his practice to sign blank cheques.» blank expression = expresión en blanco, mirada vacía, mirada inexpresiva.
Example: His unnamed protagonist is a squat little bookstore clerk of blank expression and deadpan movements.» blank look = mirada vacía, mirada inexpresiva, expresión en blanco.
Example: The women will either look uncomfortable and make a hasty exit or will stand there with blank looks on their faces pretending not to have heard.» blank + Nombre + out = dejar en blanco, borrar de la memoria, eliminar, borrar, suprimir.
Example: I wonder if those years were so traumatic that I have blanked them out deliberately.» blank out = quedarse (con la mente) en blanco.
Example: The driver of a car that struck a parked car and killed a woman Friday morning told police she 'blanked out' before the accident and does not know what happened.» blank slate = tabla en blanco, tablero en blanco, tabula rasa.
Example: The philosopher John Locke asserted that at birth the human mind is a blank slate, or tabula rasa, and empty of ideas.» blank space = espacio en blanco.
Example: Pressing the delete key erases a characters without leaving a blank space.» blank stare = mirada vacía.
Example: Talking to sheep may get you a few bleats, but most likely all you'll get are blank stares.» blank verse = verso blanco, verso suelto.
Example: It comforts me, therefore, to know that if you have an ear for rhyme, you have an ear for blank verse also.» give + Nombre + a blank cheque = darle a Alguien un cheque en blanco, darle a Alguien carta blanca. [Darle a alguien libertad para que haga lo que crea necesario]
Example: The chief librarian was given a blank cheque to get the library back on its feet.» look + blank = tener una mirada vacía, mirar con una expresión vacía.
Example: She lacks energy and her eyes lack soul which makes her look blank and confused half of the time.blank3 = virgen. [Adjetivo]
Example: To save the 'current' MARC record, place a blank, formatted (double-sided, double-density, soft sectored) floppy diskette into drive 'A' of the computer.blank4 = cartucho vacío, munición de fogueo.
Example: The militia claimed that it was using blanks to disperse the protest.more:
» blank bullet = bala de fogueo.
Example: France is boosting security at Jewish religious sites after blank bullets were fired on a synagogue west of Paris.» blank cartridge = bala de fogueo.
Example: Blank cartridges are dangerous if misused and serious injuries and a few fatalities have resulted from their misuse at close range.» blank (firing) gun = pistola de fogueo.
Example: Three swords, three blank firing guns, an air gun and 13 knives were seized during the raid, among other goods.» blank round = bala de fogueo.
Example: The actress who died of gunshot wounds while filming a music video yesterday may have been shot with a blank round at close range.» blank shell = cartucho vacío, munición de fogueo.
Example: In this manner, the blank shells fire, thereby creating the desired shotgun sound.» fire + blanks = ser ineficaz, ser inútil, perder el tiempo.
Example: Real Madrid spurned the chance to replace Barcelona at the top of the Spanish first division as they fired blanks in a frustrating 0-0 draw at Osasuna.» fire + blanks = disparar cartuchos vacíos, disparar munición de fogueo.
Example: Firing blanks during the celebrations is traditional.» fire + blanks = eyacular esperma estéril, ser estéril.
Example: However, my friend's dog has been done and he still wants to hump everything he can, just doesn't realise he's firing blanks.» shoot + blanks = eyacular esperma estéril, ser estéril.
Example: My vet assures me he's shooting blanks, but I've never heard of a neutered dog actually mating; have any of you?.» shoot + blanks = ser ineficaz, ser inútil, perder el tiempo.
Example: They will continue to shoot blanks unless they can move down from their conceptual towers and engage with the real material conditions of existence.» shoot + blanks = disparar cartuchos vacíos, disparar munición de fogueo.
Example: They were using a pistol (don't remember the type) and shooting blanks made of toilet paper.