Bite in spanish
pronunciation: moʊɹ̩deduɹ̩ɑ part of speech: noun, verb

bite1 = bocado, mordisco, mordida, picadura.
Example: Likening this situation to eating an elephant, he advised: 'Start with a single bite' = Comparando la situación con comerse a un elefante, aconsejó: "Se comienza con un simple bocado".more:
» Posesivo + bark is worse than + Posesivo + bite = perro ladrador, poco mordedor; mucho ruido y pocas nueces, írsele la fuerza por la boca.
Example: Without treatment, social anxiety is a torturous and horrible emotional problem; with treatment, its bark is worse than its bite.» bite guard = férula, férula de relajación, férula de descarga, férula dental, férula nocturna.
Example: A bite guard, also known as a stress guard, teeth guard, dental guard or night guard, is a dental appliance provided by the dentist to protect your teeth from excessive grinding or clenching = La férula, también conocida como férula de relajación, férula dental o férula nocturna, es un aparato recomendado por el dentista para impedir que los dientes rechinen o se aprieten en exceso.» bite-size = del tamaño de un bocado, en trozos masticables, en trozos digestibles, en trozos digeribles.
Example: But what about the fact that twelve basketfuls of bread were left over -- already broken into bite-size pieces?.» bite wound = herida de mordida.
Example: The shark seized hold of his leg and left three deep bite wounds from his thigh to his calf.» frostbite = congelación del cuerpo humano por los efectos del frío.
Example: In the initial stage of frostbite the flesh may tingle, be numb, or feel hot.» love bite = chupetón.
Example: Rather than making it obvious by putting on a band aid and hiding it with your hair, here are some tips to get rid of love bites easily.» mosquito bite = picadura de mosquito.
Example: For the most part, mosquito bites are just a nuisance -- they can, however, deliver viruses like malaria and encephalitis.» passion bite = mordisco de pasión.
Example: His waist between my knees I allowed him to attack my neck and collar bone in kisses and passion bites.» snakebite = mordedura de serpiente.
Example: Medical concerns examined in section six include first aid kits, drugs, blisters, diarrhea, stings, bites, anaphylaxis, snakebite, and hypothermia.» sound bite = anuncio publicitario de la radio, anuncio publicitario por radio.
Example: The article is entitled 'Something more than sound bites: communicating value to library constituencies'.» take + a bite out of = dar un bocado a, sacarle un bocado a.
Example: One last thought as a parting shot: it does seem that having once taken a bite out of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, we are to be banished from paradise forever, but we really have to eat the maggots in the fruit as well?.» take + a bite out of = hacer mella en.
Example: Inflation has already taken a substantial bite out of educational programs, and the situation will probably get worse.» take + a bite out of crime = luchar contra la delincuencia. [Campaña nacional dirigida a los ciudadanos para que ayuden en la lucha contra la delincuencia ]
Example: As a consequence of 'the war on drugs' & 'take a bite out of crime' policies, the prison population in the US has increased dramatically.» take + the bite out of = restar importancia, restar fuerza, aliviar, mitigar, atenuar, hacer que Algo sea menos doloroso, hacer que Algo sea más llevadero, dorar la píldora, quitar hierro.
Example: The aim of this paper is to chart a different course of interpretation through Husserl's earliest work; a course which doesn't take all of the bite out of Heidegger's critique of technology.bite2 = morder. [Verbo irregular: pasado bit, participio bitten]
Example: The author examines why a deviant news story such as 'Man bites dog' is more memorable than 'Dog bites man'.more:
» barking dogs seldom bite = perro ladrador, poco mordedor.
Example: At the risk of sounding pedantic, I think there is some logic in 'barking dogs seldom bite' given that physically a dog cannot both bark and bite at the same time.» bite back = defenderse, volver por + Posesivo + fueros.
Example: The article 'Book clubs bite back' points to the fact that there is evidence elsewhere in the world that book clubs are capable of thriving in markets where free pricing has been the norm.» bite into = corroer.
Example: The design was cut in a wax ground so that, when the plate was immersed in acid, the furrows allowed the acid to bite into the copper, making grooves that would hold ink Mezzotint = El diseño se tallaba sobre una superficie de cera de modo que, cuando la lámina se sumergía en ácido, los surcos permitían que el ácido corroyera el cobre, haciendo surcos que recibían la media tinta.» bite off = arrancar de un mordisco, arrancar con los dientes.
Example: And during the rescue attempt, the frightened pooch bit off most of the officer's left ear.» bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew = tratar de abarcar más de lo que se puede, quien mucho abarca poco aprieta, meterse en camisa de once varas, tratar de abarcar más de la cuenta.
Example: We should do our part, but we shouldn't bite off more than we can chew.» bite + Posesivo + (finger)nails = morderse las uñas, comerse las uñas.
Example: Darling was described as one of the most nervous first-class cricketers, often biting his fingernails before he went out to bat.» bite + Posesivo + fingers = morderse las uñas, comerse las uñas.
Example: I have been reading his post for a long time and I have been biting my fingers to keep from basting him.» bite + Posesivo + hand off = no dudar en aceptar una oferta, quitarle a Uno Algo de las manos.
Example: I nearly bit her hand off, who in their right mind would say no to a selection of underwear from one of the most luxurious knicker brands in the marketplace.» bite + Posesivo + hand off = arrancar la mano de un bocado.
Example: During her trip to Yorkdale last week, she tried to pet a chihuahua and it nearly bit her hand off.» bite + Posesivo + head off = echar una bronca, echar un rapapolvo, ponerse (hecho/como) un energúmeno, ponerse (hecho/como) una fiera, arremeter contra, ponerse (como/hecho) un diablo, llevar a Uno el diablo, llevar a Uno (todos) los diablos, ponerse (hecho/como) un demonio, llevar a Uno el demonio, llevar a Uno (todos) los demonios.
Example: From the very beginning I have been hard on him because I didn't trust him -- sometimes biting his head off and others accusing him of having ulterior motives.» bite + Posesivo + head off = arrancar la cabeza de un bocado.
Example: The crocodile suddenly lunged out of a quiet, pool of water at the lovely heroine, nearly biting her head off.» bite + Posesivo + lip = morderse el labio, morderse la lengua.
Example: And so, over and over again, in public and right on cue, he wiped away a tear, bit his lip, and said how remorseful he felt.» bite + Posesivo + nose off = arrancar la nariz de un bocado.
Example: She decided enough was enough when he slashed her under the chin with a knife and tried to bite her nose off.» bite + Posesivo + tongue = morderse la lengua, tragarse las palabras.
Example: I've been trying to bite my tounge and let him do things his own way.» bite + the bullet = hacer de tripas corazón, resignarse y seguir adelante, resignarse y aceptar.
Example: The article 'Biting the Bullet on Education' discusses the crisis in science education which reflects larger educational problems and signals a possible economic disaster.» bite + the dust = morder el polvo, irse a pique, pasar a mejor vida, fracasar, morir.
Example: The article 'Interchange bites the dust' comments on the decision by AT&T to abandon the Interchange online service technology.» bite + the hand that feeds + Pronombre = ser un ingrato, ser un desagradecido, ser un malagradecido, moder la mano del que + dar de comer.
Example: Moreover, it frees them from the fear that if they rattle the cages of city authorities they will be accused of biting the hand that feeds them.» budget cut + bite = recortes presupuestarios + hacerse sentir.
Example: As provision of local authority adult education classes drops and budget cuts bite deep everywhere, it would benefit both organisations to cooperate and maintain a 'high profile'.