Big in spanish
pronunciation: gɹ̩ɑnde part of speech: adjective

big [bigger -comp., biggest -sup.]1 = grande, mayúsculo. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]
Example: Fiction is a big item for children and also just for ordinary public library users = Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final.more:
» a cloud no bigger than a man's hand = problema pequeño.
Example: By 1980 I had decided that developments were moving sufficiently rapidly to justify a new edition, revised to take into account the growth in the use of computer-based services which in 1977 in Australia were a cloud no bigger than a man's hand.» be a (big) fan of = ser un (gran) admirador de, ser un entusiasta de, ser partidario de, ser hincha de, sentir predilección por, gustar mucho.
Example: I've always been a fan of putting jam on my grilled cheese on toast (I think it's best with a chunky homemade apricot or blackberry jam).» be in for a (big) surprise = llevarse una (gran) sorpresa, esperar una (gran) sorpresa.
Example: A jeweler says thieves who smashed their way into his store and got away with rings are in for a surprise when they find out they are made of brass.» be on to something big = encontrar un chollo, tener un chollo, encontrar suerte, tener suerte, montárselo bien.
Example: Having sold out in just three hours on their first day of business in 2011, the owners quickly realized they were on to something big.» be + Posesivo + big scene = encontrar la realización de Uno, ser lo que a Uno más le gusta.
Example: For the reference librarian his big scene is the reference search: the trap to be avoided here is over-playing.» big bang, the = big bang, teoría del big bang, teoría de la gran explosión. [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]
Example: The article is entitled 'The WTO deal on basic telecommunications: big bang or little whimper?'.» big bang theory, the = teoría del big bang, la.
Example: The universe flashed into existence (according to the Big Bang theory) from a very small agglomeration of matter of extremely high density and temperatures.» big brother = el gran hermano.
Example: The danger is compounded by the general complacency induced by the 'crying wolf' syndrome -- it is assumed that any talk of 'big brother' is nothing but the lazy person's armchair conspiracy.» big bucks = mucho dinero.
Example: One myth is that online instruction requires big bucks.» big cheese = peso pesado, pez gordo.
Example: I can hardly believe you've got a brother who's such a big cheese in the rock world.» big data = big data, grandes conjuntos de datos.
Example: Big data is a buzzword, or catch-phrase, used to describe a massive volume of both structured and unstructured data that is so large that it's difficult to process.» Posesivo + big day = Posesivo + gran día.
Example: The couple had not sent out a wedding list before their big day because they wanted their friends and family to choose their own gifts.» big deal = gran cosa. [Usado generalmente para expresar que a algo se le está dando más importancia de la que tiene]
Example: The article is entitled 'Seven self-contradicting reasons why the World Wide Web is such a big deal'.» Big Deal = big deal, suscripción a revistas por paquetes.
Example: With the Big Deal, libraries are asked not to subscribe to journals on a title-by-title basis, but to a pre-determined bundle of electronic journals.» big dipper = montaña rusa.
Example: Coming into land was like riding a big dipper -- I tasted the contents of my stomach at least 10 times.» Big Dipper, the = Osa Mayor, la.
Example: I observed a bright orange, pulsing object that moved around the Big Dipper for approximatley twenty minutes and then left in a westernly direction.» big drinker = gran bebedor.
Example: The Buck's Fizz has got to be one of the easiest cocktails to make and it's also one that everybody will like -- even people who aren't big drinkers.» big eater = persona que come mucho, comilón, comelón.
Example: I keep wondering, how can such a big eater like me be satisfied with just 3-4 spoonful of rice?.» big enough = lo suficientemente grande.
Example: As of April 1978 there is still not a big enough demand for such a service.» big fat lie = una mentira (muy) gorda, una gran mentira, una mentira como una casa, una mentira como un templo, una mentira como una catedral, una mentira como un burro, una mentira como un cañón.
Example: I had simply realized by then that everything an Indian girl is promised about her wedding and consequent marriage is a big fat lie = Para entonces ya me había dado cuenta de que todo lo se le promete a una chica india sobre su boda y el matrimonio es una mentira muy gorda.» big fish = pez gordo.
Example: The police should prosecute the big fish like the Ansar brothers who have spent time in the nick for durg dealing but are now back to they old ways.» big game = caza mayor.
Example: The evolution of Homo erectus is still commonly attributed to big game hunting.» big gun, the = jefe, el; mandamás, el; gerifalte, el.
Example: Now that they are up to speed, Ron has tracked down the school's big guns to see how things have been rolling along.» big guy, the = jefe, el; mandamás, el; gerifalte, el.
Example: Look at him sucking up to the big guys, talking about golf that he really is terrible at, trying to get into the 'boys club'.» big head = engreído, creído, vanidoso, presuntuoso, pretencioso, arrogante, con muchos humos.
Example: You've got such a big head that you could never live with yourself unless you could put us all to shame.» big-headed = engreído, creído, vanidoso, presuntuoso.
Example: I alwasy knew she was a pain in the arse, without knowing her you can just tell, by the way she behaves, that she is big-headed and thinks she's god's gift to the human race.» big-hearted = de buen corazón, de gran corazón, generoso, magnánimo.
Example: But there are many big-hearted women in South Africa who love and care for children who don't have parents of their own.» big meal = comilona, atracón.
Example: The evidence is mounting that many small meals are more effective at adding muscle and cutting fat than fewer big meals.» big money = mucho dinero, dinero a espuertas.
Example: Making big money depends quite a bit on what one considers to be big money.» big mouth = bocazas.
Example: He says he dislikes Rose way more because she is a big mouth, intolerant, boorish, know-it-all and always talking about her gay life.» big name = famoso, renombrado, de renombre. [Nombre y adjetivo]
Example: Such programs as rock groups, big name entertainers, and jazz concerts were excluded.» big noise = peso pesado, pez gordo.
Example: Anyone claiming to be a big noise in the business who doesn't have an address in one of those cities is probably blowing smoke.» big picture, the = visión global.
Example: The article 'The big picture: reflections on the future of libraries and librarians' examines the probable impact of technological and social developments to the year 2010.» big-screen reality = realidad virtual en pantalla grande.
Example: Subjects range from traditional displays of art, artifacts and specimens from the permanent collection to the latest developments in virtual reality, online exhibitions, and big-screen reality.» big shot = peso pesado, pez gordo, persona importante.
Example: Having been a big shot in Monrovia, he is accustomed to being waited on by servants, his wife and concubines alike.» big spender = derrochador, manirroto, derrochón.
Example: Married couples with children, the nation's biggest spenders, may not be be able to continue spending as much in the future as they have in the past.» big time = a lo grande, muy importante, muy grande.
Example: They all enjoy doing their searches and find it a big time saver.» big toe, the = dedo gordo del pie, el.
Example: For example, a herniation between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae will manifest itself by a patient having difficulty bending the big toe.» big wheel = noria, noria de feria.
Example: The big wheel has been in existence as long as any swings or roundabouts, and has remained unchanged in basic design principles.» big wheel = peso pesado, pez gordo.
Example: She is nothing but a narcissist that wants to hang out with the so-called big wheels in this city.» big wig = peso pesado, pez gordo.
Example: It seems that the big wigs caught by the army launched anti-corruption move have no other option but to face their trial.» bring in/out/up + Posesivo + big guns = sacar la artillería pesada, usar todas + Posesivo + armas. [También se usa bring in/ou/up the big guns]
Example: With the difficult task in front of her, Katy put on her war paint and brought out her big guns to put on the best and most important performance of her entire career.» get + big(ger) = crecer, agrandarse, aumentar, hacerse (más) grande.
Example: As hospitals keep getting bigger, so do the challenges for design.» get + bigger and bigger = hacerse cada vez más grande, volverse cada vez más grande.
Example: Hard disks keep getting bigger and bigger, but somehow we still run out of space.» get + too big for + Posesivo + boots = creérselo, subírsele los humos a la cabeza, venirle Algo grande a Alguien.
Example: He told Thaksin that when he himself was a boy, his mother always cut him down to size when he got too big for his boots.» get + too big for + Posesivo + breeches = creérselo, subírsele los humos a la cabeza, venirle Algo grande a Alguien.
Example: He was unhappy about Rosecrans grabbing the limelight and just getting too big for his breeches and decided to let him stew a little bit.» give + Nombre + a big hand = aplaudir, dar un (caluroso) aplauso, dar un fuerte aplauso, dar un gran aplauso.
Example: The two thousand-seat theater was almost full and the audience was receptive, laughed a lot and gave him a big hand for a number of the points he made.» give + Nombre + a (big) round of applause = aplaudir, dar un (caluroso) aplauso, dar un fuerte aplauso, dar un fuerte aplauso.
Example: The commentator asked the room to give her a big round of applause.» grow + too big for + Posesivo + boots = creérselo, subírsele los humos a la cabeza, venirle Algo grande a Alguien.
Example: He has grown too big for his boots and I hope someone cuts him down to size soon.» grow + too big for + Posesivo + breeches = creérselo, subírsele los humos a la cabeza, venirle Algo grande a Alguien.
Example: Maybe he's just grown too big for his breeches; maybe she has been away too long and no one else has cut him down to size adequately enough in her absence.» have + a big impact = tener un gran impacto.
Example: A major review of higher education libraries, recently announced by the Australian Department of Education will have a big impact.» have + big shoes to fill = dejar el listón muy alto, tener el listón muy alto.
Example: The new school principal admits she 'has big shoes to fill' but is looking forward to kicking off the new school year.» hit + the big time = tener éxito, triunfar.
Example: The word 'humongous' first darted onto the linguistic stage only about 1968 but hit the big time almost immediately and has been with us ever since.» in a big way = a lo grande, a gran escala.
Example: The United Nations (UN), its various information offices and its sister agencies are shifting into electronic publishing in a big way.» little fish in a big pond = uno de tantos.
Example: The article 'Little fish in a big pond' provides practical insight into the problems and benefits of small special library participation in networks bearing in mind the limitations of staff and resources.» make + a big deal about = montar un número, montar un numerito, montar un cirio, armar un escándalo, armar un lío, armar una bronca, armar la de San Quintín, armar bulla, hacer bulla, montar bulla, armarla, poner el grito en el cielo, ponerse (hecho/como) un energúmeno, ponerse (como/hecho) un diablo, llevar a Uno el diablo, llevar a Uno (todos) los diablos, ponerse (hecho/como) un demonio, llevar a Uno el demonio, llevar a Uno (todos) los demonios.
Example: He's the type of person who gets frustrated and makes a big deal about taking the wrong exit on the freeway or has a short fuse when something doesn't get done exactly the way he wants it.» make + a big difference = suponer una enorme diferencia, suponer una tremenda diferencia.
Example: Its the little things that make a big difference.» make + a big impact = pisar fuerte, andar pisando fuerte.
Example: The fiction genre is currently making a big impact on the US publishing scene and is increasingly popular in public libraries.» make + a big noise = llamar la atención, causar sensación.
Example: Everyone here has made a big noise in support of the University of Maryland to the tune of $1000 or more.» make + a big noise in the world = causar sensación en el mundo, cautivar al mundo.
Example: Mozart commented to Beethoven after hearing him perform, 'You will some day make a big noise in the world'.» make it + big = triunfar, tener un gran éxito, hacerlo a lo grande.
Example: They are in a race to make a fast buck and make it big.» make + Nombre + bigger = agrandar, hacer más grande.
Example: A dress can be altered to make it bigger by taking it to a dressmaker.» remain + big = continuar siendo importante.
Example: Humour remains big in the repertoire found in gay and lesbian books, with straight people often the butt of jokes.» second-biggest + Nombre, the = segundo + Nombre + más grande, el.
Example: A diamond almost as large as a tennis ball has been found in Botswana -- the second biggest ever unearthed.» spend + big (bucks) = gastarse mucho dinero, gastarse un montón, gastarse una pasta, gastar a lo grande.
Example: More runners are spending big bucks on orthotics.» spend + big (money) = gastarse mucho dinero, gastarse un montón, gastarse una pasta, gastar a lo grande.
Example: The World Cup is such a big business for some of the world's largest corporations that many countries spend big money for the right to host it.» talk + big = ostentar, alardear, hacer alarde de, presumir, jactarse, vanagloriarse, fanfarronear, fantochear, chulear, sacar pecho.
Example: Well, he is always talking big but he never really does anything.» talk + big money = hablar de mucho dinero.
Example: Why mess about with the little numbers like make $100 a day or a week and lets just talk big money?.» the Big Apple = la Gran Manzana. [Apelativo utilizado para referirse a la ciudad de New York]
Example: The article 'Born again in the Big Apple' reports on the annual conference of the Special Libraries Association (USA) which was held in New York from 9-14 June 84.» the Big Five = los cinco grandes. [Usado para referirse a los cinco animales africanos más difícil de cazar a pie: el león, el elefante, el búfalo, el leopardo y el rinoceronte]
Example: Many of us have a dream to go on a safari, thinking about sleeping under the stars and spotting the "Big Five" on the African savannah.» the bigger, the better = caballo grande, ande o no ande.
Example: There are also 'ig'planes and helicopters, which my son loves (to him, the bigger, the better).» the big pond = el charco. [Forma familiar de referirse al Océano Atlántico]
Example: There's no way I could attend the conference over the big pond from the UK.» the big screen = la gran pantalla, la pantalla grande. [Usado generalmente para referirse al cine]
Example: As soon as Tintin started to become popular, after the war, the idea of taking his adventures to the big screen came up.» the next big thing = la nueva revelación, la próxima revelación, el próximo exitazo, el próximo gran éxito.
Example: It's been a while since pop-music writers have heaped praise on a blues guitarist as the next big thing.» think + big = pensar a lo grande.
Example: The project's creators 'think big,' in ways libraries alone cannot.» win + big = ganar a lo grande, arrasar, barrer, vapulear.
Example: France wins big in European Swimming Championships.big up2 = aclamar, elogiar, ensalzar, encomiar, exaltar, enaltecer.
Example: This dance festival bigs up the diverse and exciting range of high quality dance theatre talent we've got on our very own doorstep.more:
» big up (to/for) = chapó, felicitaciones a/para, enhorabuena a/para.
Example: Big up to all the single mothers out there raising their kid without a worthless, selfish, sloppy and lazy so called father.