Bat in spanish
pronunciation: muɹ̩θielɑgoʊ part of speech: noun

bat1 = murciélago.
Example: Challenges to Nigerian 'customary norms' are illustrated by documenting conflict between three villages over access to bat colonies.more:
» as blind as a bat = no ver tres en un burro, más ciego que un topo.
Example: John Lennon was as blind as a bat and couldn't see very far without his glasses on.» have + bats in the belfry = estar como una cabra, estar loco de atar, estar loco perdido, estar chiflado, estar chalado, estar pirado, estar majareta, estar como un cencerro, estar loco de remate.
Example: Being creatively inclined goes hand-in-hand with a predisposition for behaving as though you have bats in the belfry.» old bat = bruja, vieja bruja, vieja fea, carcamal.
Example: The other day some crazy old bat stole both my house keys and car keys.bat2 = bate, paleta.
Example: Sometimes no matter what your self motivation is, or how hard you try it seems life is beating you with a bat.more:
» baseball bat = bate de béisbol.
Example: 24 respondents reported using another weapon (eg, knife, baseball bat) in home self-defense.» batsman = bateador.
Example: The England team form a guard of honour for retiring Australian batsman Justin Langer.» go to + bat against = atacar, criticar.
Example: The article has the title 'The minority press goes to bat against segregated baseball'.» go to + bat for = echarle una mano a, prestar apoyo a, defender los intereses de.
Example: To everyone's surprise he responded that he'would be willing to go to bat for a replacement of some sort'.» off + Posesivo + own bat = por + Posesivo + propia iniciativa, sin consultar con nadie, por + Posesivo + cuenta, por + Posesivo + propia cuenta, por cuenta propia.
Example: Off her own bat, the woman who hates having her photograph taken and never wears make-up, organised a professional photo shoot of herself.» right off the bat = sin pensarlo mucho, de buenas a primeras, de un modo improvisado, improvisadamente, sobre la marcha.
Example: I can't think of an exact example to give you right off the bat.bat3 = batear.
Example: Darling was described as one of the most nervous first-class cricketers, often biting his fingernails before he went out to bat.more:
» bat for = echarle una mano a, prestar apoyo a, defender los intereses de.
Example: The article 'Batting for the British Library' discusses the scope of the project to develop a new British Library site.» bat + Nombre + around/about = usar de un modo descuidado, usar de un modo despreocupado.
Example: The term 'bit rot' gets batted around a lot, but its definition isn't so easy to nail down.» bat + Posesivo + eyelashes = batir las pestañas. [Generalmente para flirtear]
Example: All she had to do was bat those golden eyelashes, toss those golden curls, and the world fell at her feet.» cause + an eyelid to bat = causar sorpresa.
Example: Sex and marriage manuals and other fairly frankly written material today would not cause an eyelid to bat.» not bat an eyelash = no inmutarse, no pestañear, ni inmutarse, ni pestañear, quedarse tan fresco, quedarse tan fresco, quedarse tan campante.
Example: The Department of Justice didn't bat an eyelash when the administration allowed the export of national security sensitive satellite technology to China.» not bat an eyelid = no inmutarse, no pestañear, ni inmutarse, ni pestañear, quedarse tan fresco, quedarse tan pancho, quedarse tan campante.
Example: Storms in this part of the world are common and the people didn't seem to bat an eyelid at the prospect of a 135km wind ripping through their town.» without batting an eyelid = sin pestañear, sin inmutarse, sin coscarse.
Example: He knew the names of celebs but he could have walked past any one of them in the street without batting an eyelid.