Balance in spanish


pronunciation: ekilibɹ̩ɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

balance1 = balanza, peso. 

Example: Officials are hopeful that all delivery men in the city will be equipped with balances within a month.


» create + a balance = establecer un equilibrio, crear un equilibrio.

Example: In two parent homes you have to split the responsibility to create a balance between work and children.

» debit balance = saldo negativo, saldo deudor, saldo en contra.

Example: Bank accounts may have a credit balance where the bank owes money to the customer; or a debit balance where the customer owes the bank money.

» tip + the balance = romper el equilibrio, desequilibrar la balanza.

Example: The outcome in Colorado could help tip the balance in a Senate now almost evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans.

» tip + the balance + favour/towards = inclinar la balanza a favor de, favorecer a.

Example: By analysing huge volumes of digital data, they were able to identify any trend or method that could tip the balance in the Democrat's favour.

balance2 = balance, equilibrio, término medio. 

Example: The concept of such co-operation is very interesting and we continue to build a history of Stumpers activity to assess the balance of 'giving and taking'.


» adjust + the balance = equilibrar la balanza.

Example: This chapter does little to adjust the balance.

» balance of power = equilibrio de poder.

Example: Resource sharing has 2 inevitable impacts on acquisitions: changes in the mix of subjects and formats required and in the balance of power between the library and its vendors.

» counterbalance = medida de contrapeso.

Example: It will also support Europe's efforts to provide a counterbalance in this field to countries such as the USA and Japan.

» energy balance = equilibrio energético.

Example: Kinesiology is a holistic complementary therapy that helps the body recover from illness, allergies, stress, etc. by restoring energy balance.

» establish + a balance = establecer un equilibrio, crear un equilibrio.

Example: Copyright has established a balance between the users and rights holders = El derecho de autor ha creado un equilibrio entre los usuarios y los titulares del mismo.

» find + a balance = encontrar un equilibrio.

Example: The article concludes that the basic challenge is to find and maintain a realistic balance between open transborder data flow and national concerns and priorities.

» hang in + the balance = pender de un hilo, estar (todavía) por ver, quedar (todavía) por ver, estar en el aire, estar en juego.

Example: Now, with her heart broken and her brother's life hanging in the balance, Megan will risk everything to prove his innocence.

» imbalance = desequilibrio, desajuste, desigualdad.

Example: This results in an imbalance of error tolerance.

» keep + a balance = mantener un equilibrio.

Example: At present, the information brokers have also to keep a balance between being too specialised or too superficial in their work.

» keep + Nombre + in balance = mantener Algo en equilibrio.

Example: If the budget can be thought of as a beamed scale, ideally kept in balance, the counterpoint to revenue ups and downs must necessarily lie with the control of expenditures = Si concebimos el presupuesto como una balanza, que idealmente nos gustaría mantener en equilibrio, el contrapunto de los altibajos de los ingresos consiste necesariamente en el control de los gastos.

» lose + Posesivo + balance = perder el equilibrio, perder la compostura.

Example: Endowed with the gift of being able to both listen and question, this paragon always is ready to meet the public without losing balance or a sense of humor.

» maintain + a balance = mantener un equilibrio.

Example: The article concludes that the basic challenge is to find and maintain a realistic balance between open transborder data flow and national concerns and priorities.

» military balance = equilibrio militar.

Example: A US general has stressed the importance of maintaining a military balance between America and China.

» off-balance = que demuestra desequilibrio de carácter.

Example: This slightly off-balance, whimsical remark was a Marsha James' trademark.

» on balance = en general, en conjunto, en su conjunto.

Example: Although same problems with software applications, hardware and user training programmes had cropped up periodically, on balance, users are reasonably pleased with their acquisitions.

» redress + the balance = equilibrar la balanza, rectificar la descompensación, rectificar la diferencia.

Example: In order to make a contribution towards redressing the balance of legal advice provision a number of lawyers in the early seventies began to set up law centres.

» re-establish + the balance = restablecer el equilibrio.

Example: Publishers should reconsider their contracted arrangements with book clubs and re-establish a fair balance between the parties concerned.

» strike + a balance = conseguir un equilibrio.

Example: An attempt has been made to strike a practical balance between the advantages of synthesis and those of enumeration.

» strike + the right balance = encontrar el equilibro justo.

Example: We therefore have to strike the right balance if we are not to deprive the waste pickers of their income.

» throw + Nombre + off balance = desequilibrar, desconcertar, desencajar, dislocar, desajustar.

Example: At first, analyzing the way he went about his work eroded his confidence, threw him off balance, dimmed some of his energetic spirit.

» tilt + the balance = desequilibrar.

Example: The slight trend towards buying of more fiction over these five years has not yet been sufficient to tilt the balance of the overall lending stock.

» unbalance = desequilibrio, desajuste, desigualdad.

Example: Unbalance occurs when the center of gravity of a rotating object is not aligned with its center of rotation.

» upset + the balance = alterar el equilibrio, desequilibrar, romper el equilibrio.

Example: Archaeologists are intruders from academe whose meddling presence upsets the balance of life.

balance3 = balanza de pagos, saldo, balance final. 

Example: So far as possible the international traders exchanged books, but sometimes the balance was unequal and accounts were settled in money.


» account balance = saldo. [Generalmente de una cuenta bancaria]

Example: If your account balance is less than $1000, you will generally not be charged administration fees in excess of interest earned on your account.

» account book balance = saldo del libro de cuentas.

Example: Ascertain that the beginning and ending account book balances agree with bank statement balances and that any differences can be reconciled.

» balance of payments = balanza de pagos.

Example: Balance of payments is the record of a country's international transactions with the rest of the world.

» balance of trade = balance comercial, balanza comercial, balanza de comercio.

Example: The report displays import, export, and balance of trade information for more than 200 nations.

» balance sheet = balance, balance económico.

Example: The balance sheets indicate the degree of dependence on certain imported minerals.

» bank balance = balance bancario, saldo de cuenta bancaria.

Example: Cash management software enables the manager to obtain instantaneous information about the budgets and bank balances under his control.

» credit balance = saldo positivo, saldo a favor, saldor acreedor, balance positivo.

Example: Bank accounts may have a credit balance where the bank owes money to the customer; or a debit balance where the customer owes the bank money.

» outstanding balance = saldo pendiente.

Example: If you have an outstanding balance you will receive a request for payment detailing your account overview and including a secure link to our payment gateway = En el caso de que tenga algún saldo pendiente, recibirá una petición de pago con los datos de su cuenta y un enlace seguro a nuestra pasarela de pago.

» supply balance sheet = balance.

Example: The OECD publishes annual supply balance sheets for meat, dairy products and eggs, and food consumption statistics, for each of its twenty-four member states.

» trade balance = balance comercial.

Example: The USA needs to reconsider its policy on the transfer of information technology to the Third World in the light of the country's negative trade balance.

balance4 = equilibrar, mantener un equilibrio, compensar, conjugar. 

Example: It often requires careful diplomacy by acquisitions librarians to balance sharp faculty interests.


» balance out = compensar, contrarrestar, neutralizar, contrapesar.

Example: If you do this it should balance out some of the negative thoughts you're having and know that in the end que sera sera, what's meant to be will be .

» balance + parentheses = equilibrar los paréntesis. [Asegurarse de que los paréntesis estén correctamente emparejados; es decir, que por cada paréntesis que se abre haya un paréntesis que se cierra]

Example: Right and left parentheses must be balanced; for example, '(alcoholism or (alcohol or drug) abuse) literature'.

» balance + the budget = equilibrar el presupuesto.

Example: Restraining spending enough to balance the budget is the only way to prevent future tax increases.

» balance + the cash = hacer el balance de cuentas, hacer caja.

Example: Accurate records must be kept of all monies received and disbursed and normally the cash is balanced at weekly intervals.

» balance + the cash drawer = hacer el balance de cuentas, hacer caja.

Example: The process of counting the money, reconciling the receipts and balancing the cash drawer creates an accountability of the day's transactions.

» balance + the till = hacer caja, cuadrar la caja.

Example: At the end of each day you will balance the till and tidy the shop and close the premises.

» counterbalance = contrarrestar.

Example: Certain devices, eg links, roles and weighting, can be employed at the indexing stage to help counterbalance this factor.

» outbalance = sobrepasar, pesar más que, compensar por, superar. [También escrito out-balance. Pincha en para ver una lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo usado para indicar generalmente que una persona o cosa supera a otra]

Example: The large profits to be made in this field will outbalance the problems that may lie ahead.

» rebalance = reequilibrar. 

Example: Because of cuts in spending power, the University of Sussex was forced to review its periodical subscriptions in order to establish which subscriptions might be cancelled and how the periodical collection might be rebalanced.

» unbalance = desequilibrar, desestabilizar, desajustar, descompensar.

Example: Digestive upsets, like diarrhea and constipation, or skin problems, like acne, are examples of ways stress can wreak havoc on our bodies by unbalancing the systems that help us feel calm and healthy.

balance5 = sopesar. 

Example: The need to run two systems in parallel will have to be balanced against the time taken to prepare all records.

balance6 = sostener. 

Example: He lifted about five lines from the top of the nearest page on a setting rule and balanced it on his left hand, with the face of the letter towards him and the last line uppermost.

Balance synonyms

correspondence in spanish: correspondencia, pronunciation: kɔrəspɑndəns part of speech: noun poise in spanish: equilibrio, pronunciation: pɔɪz part of speech: noun proportion in spanish: proporción, pronunciation: prəpɔrʃən part of speech: noun equilibrium in spanish: equilibrio, pronunciation: ikwəlɪbriəm part of speech: noun symmetry in spanish: simetría, pronunciation: sɪmətri part of speech: noun equipoise in spanish: sobrepeso, pronunciation: ɪkwɪpəs part of speech: noun counterbalance in spanish: contrapeso, pronunciation: kaʊntɜrbæləns part of speech: verb, noun counterpoise in spanish: contrapeso, pronunciation: kaʊnɜrpɔɪz part of speech: noun counterweight in spanish: contrapeso, pronunciation: kaʊntɜrweɪt part of speech: noun equalizer in spanish: igualada, pronunciation: ikwəlaɪzɜr part of speech: noun equilibrate in spanish: equilibrar, pronunciation: ɪkwɪləbreɪt part of speech: verb equaliser in spanish: igualada, pronunciation: ikwəlaɪzɜr part of speech: noun symmetricalness in spanish: simetría, pronunciation: sɪmetrɪkəlnəs part of speech: noun equilibrize in spanish: equilibrar, pronunciation: ɪkwɪləbraɪz part of speech: verb

Balance antonyms

imbalance pronunciation: ɪmbæləns part of speech: noun asymmetry pronunciation: eɪsɪmətri part of speech: noun instability pronunciation: ɪnstəbɪlɪti part of speech: noun unbalance pronunciation: ənbæləns part of speech: noun, verb
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