Baffled in spanish


pronunciation: deskoʊnθeɹ̩tɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

baffle2 = desconcertar, confundir, frustrar. 

Example: As the domain expands, the problem of rule formalisation may even baffle a human expert.

Baffled synonyms

lost in spanish: perdió, pronunciation: lɔst part of speech: noun, adjective perplexed in spanish: perplejo, pronunciation: pɜrplekst part of speech: adjective bemused in spanish: perplejo, pronunciation: bɪmjuzd part of speech: adjective bewildered in spanish: desconcertado, pronunciation: bɪwɪldɜrd part of speech: adjective confused in spanish: confuso, pronunciation: kənfjuzd part of speech: adjective frustrated in spanish: frustrado, pronunciation: frʌstreɪtəd part of speech: adjective confounded in spanish: aturdido, pronunciation: kənfaʊndɪd part of speech: adjective befuddled in spanish: perplejo, pronunciation: bɪfʌdəld part of speech: adjective defeated in spanish: derrotado, pronunciation: dɪfitəd part of speech: noun, adjective discouraged in spanish: desanimado, pronunciation: dɪskɜrədʒd part of speech: adjective balked in spanish: obstaculizado, pronunciation: bɔkt part of speech: verb mazed in spanish: laberinto, pronunciation: meɪzd part of speech: adjective mixed-up in spanish: mezclado, pronunciation: mɪksədʌp part of speech: adjective at sea in spanish: en el mar, pronunciation: ætsi part of speech: adjective
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