pronunciation: ebitɑɹ̩
part of speech: verb
avoid = evitar.
Example: This situation requires a very skilled information worker if total disaster is to be avoided.
» avoid + an error = evitar un error.
Example: The trend seems to be towards holding information managers responsible for errors as a matter of policy because they would be the best placed to avoid the errors.» avoid + a peril = evitar un peligro, evitar un riesgo.
Example: Limiting the number of leaders streamlines decision-making, avoiding the perils of too many chiefs and not enough indians.» avoid + a problem = evitar un problema.
Example: To avoid problems, build complex searches one step at a time.» avoid + a risk = evitar un riesgo, evitar un peligro.
Example: The effects of eating peanut products as a baby to avoid the risk of allergy have been backed up by new research.» avoid + confrontation = evitar el enfrentamiento, evitar la confrontación.
Example: Behaviour Management encourages leadership that is positive, helps prevent situations that are already unsatisfactory from deteriorating, and avoids head-on confrontations between people.
Avoid synonyms
in spanish: vacío,
pronunciation: vɔɪd
part of speech: noun, adjective
in spanish: obviar,
pronunciation: ɑbvieɪt
part of speech: verb
in spanish: evitar,
pronunciation: əvɜrt
part of speech: verb
in spanish: anular,
pronunciation: ænəl
part of speech: verb
in spanish: anular,
pronunciation: kwɔʃ
part of speech: verb
in spanish: cambiar,
pronunciation: dɪflekt
part of speech: verb
in spanish: anular,
pronunciation: nʌləfaɪ
part of speech: verb
in spanish: excluir,
pronunciation: debɑr
part of speech: verb
in spanish: invalidar,
pronunciation: ɪnvælɪdeɪt
part of speech: verb
stave off
in spanish: evitar,
pronunciation: steɪvɔf
part of speech: verb
ward off
in spanish: alejar,
pronunciation: wɔrdɔf
part of speech: verb
fend off
in spanish: rechazar,
pronunciation: fendɔf
part of speech: verb
head off
in spanish: atajar,
pronunciation: hedɔf
part of speech: verb
abstain from
in spanish: abstenerse de,
pronunciation: əbsteɪnfrʌm
refrain from
in spanish: abstenerse de,
pronunciation: rɪfreɪnfrʌm
keep from
in spanish: ocultar,
pronunciation: kipfrʌm
keep off
in spanish: alejarse,
pronunciation: kipɔf
part of speech: verb
desist from
in spanish: desistir de,
pronunciation: dɪsɪstfrʌm
forbear from
in spanish: abstenerse de,
pronunciation: fɔrbɪrfrəm
Avoid antonyms
pronunciation: feɪs
part of speech: noun, verb
pronunciation: kənfrʌnt
part of speech: verb
pronunciation: vælədeɪt
part of speech: verb
pronunciation: fɔrməlaɪz
part of speech: verb
face up
pronunciation: feɪsʌp
part of speech: verb