Authoress in spanish
pronunciation: lɑutoʊɹ̩ɑ part of speech: noun

author [authoress, -fem.]1 = autor. [Persona o entidad responsable del contenido intelectual o artístico de un documento]
Example: The author of a document is the person or organisation responsible for its creation, that is, the writer of a text, the illustrator in respect for illustrations and others responsible for the intellectual content of a work.more:
» American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP) = Sociedad Americana de Compositores, Autores y Editores.
Example: The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) is 1 of 2 major performing rights organisations that act on behalf of many copyright owners of musical works.» author abstract = resumen de autor.
Example: Author abstracts are the abstracts prepared by authors of the document that has been subjected to abstracting.» author affiliation = afiliación del autor, lugar de trabajo del autor. [Organización(es) a la(s) que un autor está vinculado profesionalmente y que se indica(n) en los documentos]
Example: An abstract of a bibliography can be expected to note whether author affiliations are given = Es de esperar que el resumen de una bibliografía indique si se incluyen los lugares de trabajo de los autores.» author approach = acceso a la información por el autor.
Example: The author approach remains an important means of tracing a specific document.» author-attributed = atribuido al autor.
Example: In Precis the role operator (t) denotes author-attributed associations.» author-based = basado en el autor.
Example: This article describes the detailed classification of the literature in the 'Dickens House' collection which aims at improving subject access suggesting that it is likely to be of value to those responsible for author-based collections.» author catalogue = catálogo de autores. [Catálogo alfabético de autores]
Example: Author catalogues contain entries with authors' names as the heading.» author co-citation analysis = análisis de cocitas de autores. [En bibliometría, estudio a partir de los autores que aparecen citados a la vez en un conjunto de documentos]
Example: Author cocitation analysis is a powerful but potentially fallible tool and the methodology may need refinement.» author-contributed = aportado por el autor.
Example: The exploration aims to view table of contents terminology in the context of functions served by other representations of subject information, including Library of Congress subject headings, work title terminology, and author-contributed front matter.» author-designated = hecho por el autor.
Example: Citations, then, are explicit author-designated links between various items in the literature.» author entry = asiento de autor.
Example: Amongst both subject and author (or name) entries there will be different types of entries.» author fill rate = porcentaje de autores servidos.
Example: The following 3 measures of materials availability can be used as indicators of library effectiveness: title fill rate, subject and author fill rate, and browsers' fill rate = Se pueden utilizar las siguientes tres medidas sobre la disponibilidad del material como indicadores de la eficacia de la biblioteca: procentaje de títulos servidos, porcentaje de autores y materias servidas y porcentaje de satisfacción de consultas imprecisas.» author heading = encabezamiento de autor. [Encabezamiento que indica el nombre del autor de un documento]
Example: In practice modern day catalogue codes are concerned primarily with description and author headings.» author index = índice de autores.
Example: The author index, or 'author/title index', of a classified catalogue consists of entries and references arranged in alphabetical order of author and, where required, title, translator, series etc, headings.» author key = clave de búsqueda por nombre de autor.
Example: Access is available by author/title key and classmark, as well as by control number and charging number.» author name = nombre de autor.
Example: An author index, for instance, comprises a series of alphabetically organized author names.» author-prepared = hecho por el autor.
Example: The upshot has been that author-prepared abstracts vary considerably in quality.» author productivity = productividad del autor. [En bibliometría, número de artículos publicados por un autor]
Example: Data was collected on the number of authors and author productivity, language of publication, format, year of publication, and the countries of origin of the references, as well as on journal productivity.» author's corrections = correcciones de autor. [Cambios que el autor de un manuscrito introduce él mismo]
Example: Time hands were employed on such jobs as authors' corrections, and were paid about as much as the average piecework hand actually earned.» author searching = búsqueda por autor.
Example: These comments are as true for author searching as subject searching, and they are introduced here only for convenience.» author sequence = secuencia ordenada alfabéticamente por el nombre del autor.
Example: Thus it is possible in an author sequence to view easily the works of one author.» author-title added entry = asiento secundario por autor y título. [Asiento secundario en el que se detalla el autor y el título de una obra]
Example: An author-title added entry is an entry consisting of the name of a person or corporate body and the title of an item.» author/title catalogue = catálogo de autores y títulos.
Example: Author/title catalogues contain both title and author entries.» author-title reference = referencia de autor y título. [Referencia en la que en la línea 'viene desde' o 'se manda a' o ambas contiene el nombre del autor y el título de una obra]
Example: An author-title reference is a reference in which the refer-from line, the refer-to line, or both consist of the name of a person or a corporate body and the title of an item.» author/title search = búsqueda por autor/título.
Example: Statistical reports from several libraries attest to the 'fact' that the great majority of library users are performing topical subject searches, not author/title or known-item searches.» cited author = autor citado. [Responsable principal de una obra citada por el autor de un documento]
Example: In the Search Section window, we start by entering the cited author's name.» co-author [coauthor] = coautor.
Example: Ms. Weihs is the co-author of 'Nonbook Materials - the Organization of Integrated Collections'.» corporate author = autor corporativo. [Entidad responsable del contenido intelectual o artístico de un documento]
Example: Corporate authors present difficulties essentially because a corporate body cannot think or write.» corresponding author = autor para correspondencia.
Example: The person who begins the manuscript submission process is by default the 'corresponding author,' but this can be changed.» creative author = autor creativo. [Autor que trabajando principalmente en solitario es capaz de crear un contenido original más que compilar, sintetizar, comentar o rebatir el trabajo de otros]
Example: Modern discussion centered around film and TV has interrogated more profoundly the social attitudes and theories which lie behind the concept of the creative author.» ghost author = autor fantasma. [En publicación, persona que no ha sido incluida como autor de una obra cuando en realidad no actuó como tal]
Example: Ghost authors are individuals not named as authors but who contributed substantially to the work.» gift author = autor honorario. [En publicación, persona que ha sido incluida como autor de una obra sin que haber contribuido como tal]
Example: Honorary authors (guest or gift authors) are named authors who have not met authorship criteria.» guest author = autor honorario. [En publicación, persona que ha sido incluida como autor de una obra sin que haber contribuido como tal]
Example: Honorary authors (guest or gift authors) are named authors who have not met authorship criteria.» honorary author = autor honorario. [En publicación, persona que ha sido incluida como autor de una obra sin que haber contribuido como tal]
Example: Honorary authors (guest or gift authors) are named authors who have not met authorship criteria.» joint author = coautor. [Persona que comparte con otra u otras la responsabilidad del contenido intelectual o artístico de una obra, cuando no se especifica la parte correspondiente a cada una]
Example: A joint author is a person who collaborates with one or more other persons to produce a work in relation to which the collaborators perform the same function.» main author = autor principal. [Responsable principal del contenido intelectual o artístico de un documento]
Example: The author primarily responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of a document is known as the main author.» multi-author = de varios autores.
Example: The converse is true for authors who feature predominantly in multi-author works and at distal sequence positions.» original author = autor original.
Example: These rules are concerned with problems that arise when responsibility for the existence of a document is shared, forcing a choice between alternatives -- between, for example, adaptor and original author.» personal author = autor personal. [Cualquier persona responsable total o parcialmente del contenido de una obra y cuyo nombre puede servir de punto de acceso a una descripción bibliográfica]
Example: A personal author is the person chiefly responsible for the creation of the intellectual or artistic content of a work.» secondary author = autor secundario. [Autor que ha contribuido a la elaboración del documento]
Example: A secondary author is an author who has contributed to the content of a document.» self-publishing author = autor-editor.
Example: A small press might be operated by a single, self-publishing author, a group of friends, or a collective; about 2,700 such presses are currently active = Una imprenta pequeña podría funcionar con un único autor-editor, un grupo de amigos o una asociación y actualmente hay activas unas 2.700.authoress [author, -masc.] = autora.
Example: The library has collections of papers of notable suffragettes, authoresses, a congresswoman, and a feminist.