Cajero automático
pronunciation: kɑxeɹ̩oʊɑutoʊmɑtikoʊ
part of speech: noun
ATM (automatic teller machine) = cajero automático.
Example: The application of automatic teller machines (ATMs) by the banking industry is examined as a typical example of information technology investment in the financial services sector.
Atm synonyms
in spanish: atmósfera,
pronunciation: ætməsfɪr
part of speech: noun
automatic teller machine
in spanish: cajero automático,
pronunciation: ɔtəmætɪktelɜrməʃin
part of speech: noun
asynchronous transfer mode
in spanish: Modo de Transferencia Asíncrona,
pronunciation: eɪsɪŋkrənəstrænsfɜrmoʊd
part of speech: noun
cash machine
in spanish: cajero automático,
pronunciation: kæʃməʃin
part of speech: noun
automated teller machine
in spanish: cajero automático,
pronunciation: ɔtəmeɪtɪdtelɜrməʃin
part of speech: noun
cash dispenser
in spanish: cajero automático,
pronunciation: kæʃdɪspensɜr
part of speech: noun
automatic teller
in spanish: cajero automático,
pronunciation: ɔtəmætɪktelɜr
part of speech: noun
automated teller
in spanish: cajero automatizado,
pronunciation: ɔtəmeɪtɪdtelɜr
part of speech: noun