Assumed in spanish
pronunciation: fiktiθioʊ part of speech: adjective

assume1 = presuponer, implicar, asumir, suponer.
Example: The foregoing discussion concerning analytical entries assumes implicitly a conventional catalogue format, that is, card, microform or other printed catalogue.more:
» assume to + be the case = suponer que + ser + el caso, suponer que + ser + verdad, suponer que + ser + cierto.
Example: It is widely assumed to be the case that, in the past century, there has been an ongoing process of dialect levelling in England.assume2 = asumir, adquirir.
Example: A pseudonym is the name assumed by an author to conceal or obscure his or her identity.more:
» assume + a duty = asumir + Posesivo + deber, asumir + Posesivo + obligación, asumir un deber, asumir una obligación, asumir una tarea.
Example: He was a descriptive cataloger at Princeton and was promoted to Acting Head Cataloger, and subsequently Head Cataloger at Princeton, the position he left before assuming his present duties at LC.» assume + a form = asumir una forma, tomar forma.
Example: In the nineteenth century, with developments in the book trade and education, popular literature assumed a greater number of different physical forms.» assume + a position = ocupar un puesto de trabajo.
Example: In 1974 he assumed the positions of Associate Editor of the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules and Head of the British Library's Standards Office.» assume + a role = asumir un papel, hacerse cargo de, hacerse responsable.
Example: By virtue of standing an easy first among the libraries of the region -- first in size of collection, first in financial support, and first in that mysterious quality known as 'excellence' -- Dorado was asked to assume the role.» assume + importance = cobrar importancia, adquirir importancia, revestir importancia.
Example: A topic such as metal fatigue assumed a new importance in the 1950s as the unexpected cause of at least two major disasters.» assume + Posesivo + powers = asumir el poder.
Example: The newly elected Scottish Local Government Authorities assumed their powers in May 75 and are not yet fully into their stride.» assume + priority = asumir prioridad.
Example: There is increasing overlap between conservation and scientific interests as bioprospecting and gene-harvesting assumes greater priority.» assume + responsibility (for) = asumir la responsabilidad, aceptar la responsabilidad, hacer responsable.
Example: In the keynote speech each nation was urged to assume responsibility for preserving its own imprint while working cooperatively through IFLA to develop international bibliographic control.assumed = supuesto.
Example: This article discusses the advantages of storing information on discs which have an assumed life span of 20 years.