Appear in spanish
pronunciation: ɑpɑɹ̩eθeɹ̩ part of speech: verb

appear1 = aparecer, mostrarse, darse, mencionarse, figurar.
Example: The statement of authorship is also transcribed and it appears in the work.more:
» appear before + Justicia = comparecer ante la Justicia.
Example: This article discusses the use of the term 'chutzpah' by courts suffering various effronteries at the hands of attorneys and even witnesses who appear before them in both criminal and civil matters.» appear from (out of) + nowhere = salir de la nada, aparecer como por encanto, aparecer como por milagro, aparecer de la nada.
Example: So a very odd red mark has appeared from nowhere on my face and I'm trying to figure out what it is and how to get rid of it.» appear in + court = comparecer, comparecer ante la justicia, comparecer ante los tribunales, comparecer ante el juzgado.
Example: If you are appearing in court, you should dress nicely and in a manner that shows respect for the court.» appear + in print = aparecer impreso.
Example: He conceived the scheme as long ago as 1908 but it was not until 1935 that a condensed version was published, and 1940-53 that the full edition appeared in print.» appear in + the horizon = aparecer en el horizonte.
Example: No sooner had diphtheria been conquered and almost cast into oblivion than this new horror appears on the horizon.» appear out of + the (clear) blue (sky) = aparecer sin esperarlo, aparecer sin avisar, aparecer sin venir a cuento, aparecer sin venir a pelo, aparecer inesperadamente, aparecer de forma inesperada, aparecer de modo inesperado, aparecer de sopetón, aparecer de golpe y porrazo.
Example: It could be legit, but money does not typically appear out of the clear blue sky.» disappear = desaparecer. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: This feature, portability, can be a mixed blessing-things which can be moved have a habit of disappearing.» reappear = reaparecer.
Example: When the ENTER key is pressed, the access-point file display reappears with the new name added to the file.appear + Adjetivo2 = parecer + Adjetivo.
Example: 'I'll see, Bernice, if I can find something for you on what to do when you suspect someone is becoming an alcoholic,' she added trying to appear composed.more:
» appear + as though = parece como.
Example: Until recently, replacing the DLL seemed to solve the problem, but it appears as though that is no longer the case.» appear + businesslike = dar la impresión de seriedad en el trabajo.
Example: One seasoned supervisor insisted that in order to appear businesslike, staff reading while on desk duty should hold a pencil.» appear + contradictory = parecer contradictorio.
Example: However, it is hard to draw any definite conclusions about mobile information and advice vans as the evidence appears so contradictory.» appear + in jeopardy = parecer en peligro.
Example: The very existence of the public library appears in jeopardy; public librarians appear both concerned and confused.» appear + to be = parecer ser, parecer estar.
Example: Intradisciplinary citation analysis reveals that the 'holistic' study of man appears to be only a rhetorical claim.» it appeared that... = al parecer.
Example: It appeared that the digger came loose on the trailer and fell onto the stone wall.