Apart in spanish
pronunciation: ɑpɑɹ̩te part of speech: adverb

be + Medida + apart = distancia + ser de + Número.
Example: The grooves on a 78 rev/min audio disc are 150 µµ (micromicron) apart.apart
» a breed apart = un mundo aparte.
Example: The scientists who study these grains of ancient stardust are a breed apart from the astronomers who rely on telescopes to gather information about the stars.» apart from = aparte de, además de, a diferencia de, dejando a un lado, a no ser que.
Example: Apart from the names of subjects, the names of corporate bodies, persons, chemicals, trade products, and trade names are some other possibilities.» a world apart = un mundo aparte.
Example: The general impression was that information staff lived in a world apart, only partially accessible to possible users.» be a distance apart = estar bastante alejado.
Example: Such an arrangement is well suited to the conditions of an administration dispersed around several buildings, some of which are a distance apart.» be + Medida + apart = distancia + ser de + Número.
Example: The grooves on a 78 rev/min audio disc are 150 µµ (micromicron) apart.» be poles apart = ser polos opuestos, ser dos mundos completamente distintos.
Example: The author discusses the evolving shape of competitor intelligence explaining why to date its aims and realities have been poles apart.» be quite apart from = ser muy diferente de.
Example: Library facilities have value for community events that are quite apart from in-house library services.» break apart = hacer cisco, hacer añicos, hacer trizas, hacer pedazos, hacer polvo, despedazar, destrozar, destruir.
Example: It was the size of a truck and was breaking apart as it crashed down, throwing out little bits of hot shrapnel that zinged past me.» break + Nombre + apart = desgarrar, despedazar, destruir, destrozar. [Generalmente, en sentido emocional o sentimental]
Example: He had been there to help her when she needed him during those long dark hours when the fear of losing her son had almost broken her apart.» break + Nombre + apart = desarmar, desmantelar, desmontar.
Example: He had a screwdriver in his pocket that would have broken it apart in two seconds.» come apart = deshacerse, romperse, separarse, hacerse pedazos.
Example: The ball joint came apart with only a few slogs with the club hammer and it all went back together like a dream.» come apart at + the seams = desintegrarse, deshacerse, destrozarse, desmoronarse, derrumbarse, deteriorarse.
Example: The emergency services were frantically racing against the clock to try and hold together their city which was coming apart at the seams.» cut apart = desmembrar, diseccionar, separar cortando.
Example: Learn how to cut apart a full chicken.» drift apart = separarse.
Example: UDC was originally based on the fifth edition of DC, and though the two schemes tended to drift apart, there was for some time an attempt to bring them into line again.» fall apart = deshacerse, desintegrarse, desmoronarse, fracasar, venirse abajo, deteriorarse.
Example: Most of the packaging for cassettes provided by commercial vendors that are known nationwide is lousy, falls apart, looks bad, and so on.» fall apart at + the seams = desintegrarse, deshacerse, destrozarse, desmoronarse, derrumbarse, deteriorarse.
Example: Society is falling apart at the seams, causing individuals who have not been able to cope with the changes to feel unprotected and hopeless.» far apart = lejos el uno del otro, lejos entre sí, muy alejados, muy separados.
Example: But there is no advantage to having men's and ladies' rooms far apart, since they are used by different people, so they are almost always next to each other.» grow apart = perder el contacto.
Example: My best friend and I grew apart after she changed schools = Mi mejor amiga y yo perdimos el contacto cuando se cambió de escuela.» hold + Reflexivo + apart from = mantenerse al margen de, no considerarse parte de.
Example: It is important to acknowledge the fact that I don't hold myself apart from many of the problems that I am about to describe.» keep apart = mantener separado.
Example: Overall, romantic fiction novels are still kept apart from conventional novels.» live + far apart = vivir lejos el Uno del Otro.
Example: Famly emergencies can be especially tough to deal with when living far apart.» move apart = alejarse, separarse, distanciarse.
Example: The idea of tectonic plates moving together or apart is known as a continental drift.» move + further apart = apartarse aun más, alejarse aun más, apartarse más aun, alejarse más aun, separarse más aun, separarse más aun.
Example: When water boils the particles do not move closer together but further apart.» prise + Nombre + apart = separar.
Example: The symbiotic relationship between scholarly discourse and scholarly publication that has existed for 3 centuries is being prised apart by new technology.» pull apart = descomponer, desmontar, abrir.
Example: All these bits of raw material -- these 'chunks of reality' as McNair calls them -- are encapsulated in a carefully organized and well-rounded whole, which the reader must pull apart and put together again.» pull apart = examinar minuciosamente, diseccionar.
Example: When the point is reached at which the instructor begins to fade into the background, individual students can select cases to analyze and solve on their own before the class period, literally pulling them apart and putting them together again -- 'working them to death'.» pull apart = destruir, destrozar.
Example: If solutions are not found to meet this challenge, users' hunger for multimedia could pull the Internet apart.» quite apart from = aparte de, además de, a diferencia de.
Example: Quite apart from a completely new vocabulary, the whole mystique of computers is still a source of bewilderment.» quite apart from anything else = además de otras cosas.
Example: Quite apart from anything else, it is drearily boring, the tedium exacerbated by the grating monotony of Stein's voice.» rip + Nombre + apart = desgarrar, arrancar, despedazar, destrozar.
Example: An 18-month-old girl was 'ripped apart like a doll' by a dog in a horrific attack at a family home, witnesses have disclosed.» set apart = apartar, separar, poner aparte, dedicar.
Example: Storytelling and reading in a room set apart and led by competent people can be an entertainment designed for all.» set apart in + space = separarse en el espacio.
Example: With 69 burials, it was a cemetery for only a small elite group, set apart in space from the other cemeteries.» set apart in + time = separarse en el tiempo.
Example: When your mother gave you life two worlds set apart in time.» set apart in + time and space = separarse en el tiempo y en el espacio. [A veces el orden es set apart in + space and time]
Example: However, in Pratt's complex model, the receiver may be set apart in time and space from the sender = Sin embargo, según el modelo de Pratt (que es más complejo), el receptor puede estar separado en el tiempo y en el espacio del emisor.» set + far apart = estar muy separado.
Example: Most of the monkeys found here are flat nosed and have round nostrils set far apart.» set + Nombre + apart = diferenciar, distinguir.
Example: What sets them apart is, primarily, the commercial considerations that directly affect the publishers' gatekeeper role but only indirectly affect that of the librarians.» stand apart (from) = destacar, sobresalir.
Example: There are many books published in the world and of many kinds, but one category stands apart: books that come under the heading of literature.» take + Nombre + apart = desarmar, desmontar, desmantelar, desarticular.
Example: The houses are built, then taken apart and trucked to where they are needed and then re-assembled.» take + things apart = descomponer las cosas, desmontar las cosas, analizar las cosas.
Example: Knowledge comes by taking things apart -- analysis -- but wisdom comes by putting things together.» tear + Nombre + apart = hacer cisco, hacer añicos, hacer trizas, hacer pedazos, hacer polvo, despedazar, destrozar, destruir.
Example: He is a stickler for detail and can tear apart a budget or a balance sheet faster than anyone.» tear + Nombre + apart = desgarrar, despedazar, destruir, destrozar. [Generalmente, en sentido emocional o sentimental]
Example: It tore her apart when you broke her heart, but she's still right there loving you.» tease + Nombre + apart = separar, distinguir, averiguar, descubrir.
Example: The author and his colleagues embarked on a series of studies to tease apart hereditary and environmental factors thought to be implicated in schizophrenia.» tell + Nombre + apart = distinguir, diferenciar.
Example: No two paper moulds of the hand-press period were ever precisely identical, and individual moulds can be identified by their paper images; even the two moulds of a pair, which were deliberately made to look alike, can be told apart by the paper made in them.» worlds apart = mundos aparte, polos opuestos, diametralmente opuestos, como el día y la noche, como la noche y el día.
Example: International law & cyberspace are not worlds apart anymore.