Oso hormiguero
pronunciation: oʊsoʊɹ̩migeɹ̩oʊ
part of speech: noun
anteater [ant-eater] = oso hormiguero.
Example: Crocodiles, giant snakes, aardvarks, and anteaters on the other hand release significant amounts of methane.
Anteater synonyms
in spanish: echidna,
pronunciation: ɪkɪdnə
part of speech: noun
in spanish: cerdo hormiguero,
pronunciation: ɑrdvɑrk
part of speech: noun
in spanish: pangolín,
pronunciation: pæŋgəlɪn
part of speech: noun
in spanish: entumecido,
pronunciation: nʌmbæt
part of speech: noun
ant bear
in spanish: oso hormiguero,
pronunciation: æntber
part of speech: noun
spiny anteater
in spanish: oso hormiguero espinoso,
pronunciation: spaɪniæntitɜr
part of speech: noun
banded anteater
in spanish: oso hormiguero congregado,
pronunciation: bændɪdæntitɜr
part of speech: noun
scaly anteater
in spanish: oso hormiguero escamoso,
pronunciation: skæliæntitɜr
part of speech: noun
orycteropus afer
in spanish: orycteropus afer,
pronunciation: ɔrɪktɜrəpəseɪfɜr
part of speech: noun
myrmecobius fasciatus
in spanish: Myrmecobius fasciatus,
pronunciation: mɜrmɪkoʊbiəsfæstʃiətəs
part of speech: noun
new world anteater
in spanish: oso hormiguero nuevo mundo,
pronunciation: nuwɜrldæntitɜr
part of speech: noun