Agricultural in spanish
pronunciation: ɑgɹ̩ikoʊlɑ part of speech: adjective

agricultural = agrícola, agropecuario.
Example: These 'own resources' comprise agricultural and sugar levies, customs duties and a percentage of value added tax (VAT).more:
» agricultural and animal husbandry sector, el = sector agropecuario, el.
Example: The implementation of the sanctions has inflicted serious damage and caused major financial losses in the agriculture and animal husbandry sector.» agricultural credit = crédito agrícola, préstamo agrícola.
Example: An adjectival heading comprise either a noun or noun phrase with adjectival modifier; for example, agricultural credit.» agricultural economics = ciencias agrícolas.
Example: While the majority of agriculturists in the fields of agricultural economics and forestry preferred technical reports, agronomists preferred conference proceedings = Pincha en para ver otras palabras con esta terminación y usadas en singular.» agricultural economy = economía agrícola, agronomía.
Example: This article discusses the pre-revolutionary shortage of books on agriculture economy in 1913, and how existing books only discussed the miserable, hopeless life of the peasants.» agricultural education = educación agrícola.
Example: Indigenous knowledge now surfaces in the fields of human health, aquatic resource management, rural sociology, agricultural education, range management, water resource management, etc..» agricultural engineering = ingeniería agrónoma.
Example: The citations from 11 publications released by the Department of agricultural engineering between 1981-1984 were examined.» agricultural experiment station = estación experimental agrícola.
Example: State agricultural experiment station publications are a valuable resource for agricultural historians and sociologists, as well as for scientists, students, the agribusiness community, farmers, and the general public.» agricultural extension = extensión agraria.
Example: From evaluation of findings, practical field experience is singled out as the most important prerequisite for effective university training in agricultural extension.» agricultural extension worker = perito de extensión agraria.
Example: The specific task and function of the agricultural extension worker are identified as being more than those of a mere information intermediary.» agricultural industry, the = industria agrícola, la. [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]
Example: The research has led to recommendations on ways of improving the flow of information among the different sectors of the agricultural industry.» agricultural labourer = trabajador agrícola, obrero agrícola, agricultor, trabajador del campo.
Example: The agricultural labourer receiving payment in kind was a married farm-hand with a one-year contract and whose wife had the duty to milk the cows morning and night.» agricultural land = terreno agrícola, terreno cultivable.
Example: Marsh marigolds are in decline as agricultural land continues to be drained, but they are still the most three-dimensional of plants.» agricultural librarian = bibliotecario de biblioteca de agricultura.
Example: Agricultural librarians should reprocess and repackage this information in more appropriate media.» agricultural library = biblioteca de agricultura.
Example: This article explains the need for dissemination of agricultural information and the role of agricultural libraries.» agricultural organisation = organización agraria.
Example: The growth in number of national, regional and international agricultural organisations has resulted in a vast output of scientific and technical literature, issued in a wide variety of forms.» agricultural produce = productos agrícolas.
Example: This sections has as its objectives the improvement of the quality of agricultural products and of their distribution and the development of outlets for agricultural produce.» agricultural product = producto agrícola.
Example: This sections has as its objectives the improvement of the quality of agricultural products and of their distribution and the development of outlets for agricultural produce.» agricultural production = producción agrícola.
Example: Information networks are critical tools to ensure the exchange, transfer, and use of information which will facilitate the increased quality and quantity of agricultural production.» agricultural productivity = productividad agrícola.
Example: Transfer of agricultural technology is a prerequisite for increasing agricultural productivity in India.» agricultural reform = reforma agraria.
Example: At the heart of the debate on Community budget and agricultural reforms has been the UK's insistence on the need to put the brakes on runaway spending on agriculture.» agricultural revolution, the = revolución agrícola, la.
Example: This rural backwater, ignored by every boom since the agricultural revolution, grabbed the headlines as property prices exploded.» agricultural sciences = agronomía.
Example: AGRIS is an international information system (akin to AGREP) for the agricultural sciences, compiled by the Commission in concert with member states, management of which is in the hands of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).» agricultural sector = sector agrícola.
Example: There are 3 comprehensive data bases with approximately the same scope in the agricultural sector: AGRICOLA, AGRIS, and CAB.» agricultural settlement = asentamiento agrícola.
Example: This area was scattered with agricultural settlements at a time when the central ruling authority used the stony ground to plant vineyards and olive groves.» agricultural specialist = especialista en agricultura.
Example: The members of these cabinets are agricultural specialists who read and recommend new publications, each in his own sphere of interest.» agricultural vehicle = vehículo agrícola.
Example: The behaviour of 2 agricultural vehicles during braking was studied.» agricultural worker = trabajador en la agricultura. [Término especialmente utilizado en los países socialistas]
Example: To overcome these, libraries should remember that aesthetic education is an essential part of the education of workers; particular attention should be paid to work with youth, factory and agricultural workers.» AGRIS (International Agricultural Information System) = AGRIS (Sistema Internacional de Información sobre Agricultura). [Base de datos de agricultura]
Example: AGRIS is an international information system (akin to AGREP) for the agricultural sciences, compiled by the Commission in concert with member states, management of which is in the hands of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).» AIBDA (Inter-American Association of Agricultural Librarians and Information Specialists) = AIBDA (Asociación Interamericana de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas de Agricultura).
Example: The chief advantages of AIBDA (Inter-American Association of Agricultural Librarians) lie in its responsiveness to members' needs, efficient organisation, and innovative orientation.» Committee of Agricultural Producer Organizations (COPA) = Comité de las Organizaciones de Productores Agrícolas (COPA).
Example: Pride of place must go to the Committee of Agricultural Produce Organizations (COPA) of which the United Kingdom member is the National Farmer's Union (NFU).» Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) = Política Agrícola Comunitaria.
Example: One of the fundamental operating principles of the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) is financial solidarity between member states.» Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux (CAB) = Departamento de Agricultura de la Commonwealth (CAB).
Example: The adoption of the CAB (Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux) thesaurus by the US National Agricultural Library (NAL) was based on the necessity for a controlled vocabulary in order to standardise the indexing process.» EAGGF (European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund) = FEOGA (Fondos Europeos de Orientación y de Garantía Agrícola).
Example: This has been achieved by the establishment of a common fund, the 'European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund' (EAGGF, but often referred to by its French initials as FEOGA -- Fonds Europeen d'Orientation et de Garantie Agricole).» Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) = Sección de Garantía del Asesoramiento Agrícola y del Fondo de Garantía Europeo (EAGGF).
Example: The Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) aims to provide a secure income for Community farmers and seeks to alleviate the problems of agriculture within the Community.» International Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists (IAA = Asociación Internacional de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas de Agricultura (IAALD).
Example: This article is based on a paper presented at the 7th World Congress of the International Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists (IAALD) held in Ottawa, 2-6 June 85.» National Agricultural Library (NAL) = Biblioteca Nacional de Agricultura (NAL).
Example: The adoption of the CAB (Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux) thesaurus by the US National Agricultural Library (NAL) was based on the necessity for a controlled vocabulary in order to standardise the indexing process.» National Agricultural Text Digitizing Project (NATDP) = Proyecto Nacional de Lectura Optica de Textos de Agricultura (NATDP). [Proyecto nacional americano para la lectura óptica de textos de agricultura y su posterior distribución en disco óptico]
Example: The National Agricultural Text Digitizing Project (NATDP) is a cooperative effort by the National Agricultural Library and 42 university libraries to test a new method of capturing this literature in digital form for publication on CD-ROM.