Adjectival in spanish


pronunciation: ɑdxetibɑl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

adjectival = adjetival. 

Example: Sometimes geographical subdivision is in terms of the adjectival form, for example, Music, German.


» adjectival form = forma adjetival.

Example: For the humanities -- literature, art -- we are recommended to use the adjectival form of the country or language as the entry word: English drama, French painting.

» adjectival heading = encabezamiento adjetival. [Encabezamiento que contiene un nombre precedido por un adjetivo]

Example: An adjectival heading comprise either a noun or noun phrase with adjectival modifier; for example, Agricultural credit.

» adjectival phrase heading = encabezamiento adjetival. [Encabezamiento que contiene un nombre precedido por un adjetivo]

Example: Choice between natural and inverted order in adjectival phrase headings seems governed by the degree of specification offered by the noun in the phrase.

Adjectival synonyms

adjective in spanish: adjetivo, pronunciation: ædʒɪktɪv part of speech: noun, adjective
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