Adieu in spanish


pronunciation: ɑdioʊs part of speech: noun
In gestures



» bid + adieu = despedirse, decir adiós.

Example: Bibeau smiled, said thanks, and bid everyone adieu.

Adieu synonyms

goodbye in spanish: adiós, pronunciation: gʊdbaɪ part of speech: noun bye in spanish: adiós, pronunciation: baɪ part of speech: noun adios in spanish: adios, pronunciation: ɑdioʊs part of speech: noun cheerio in spanish: cheerio, pronunciation: tʃɪrioʊ part of speech: noun good-bye in spanish: adiós, pronunciation: gʊdbaɪ part of speech: noun sayonara in spanish: sayonara, pronunciation: seɪoʊnɑrə part of speech: noun arrivederci in spanish: arribio, pronunciation: erɪvidersi part of speech: noun bye-bye in spanish: adiós, pronunciation: baɪbaɪ part of speech: noun au revoir in spanish: Hasta la vista, pronunciation: oʊrɪvwɑr part of speech: noun goodby in spanish: bueno por, pronunciation: gʊdbaɪ part of speech: noun good-by in spanish: bueno por, pronunciation: gʊdbaɪ part of speech: noun so long in spanish: hasta la vista, pronunciation: soʊlɔŋ part of speech: noun good day in spanish: buen día, pronunciation: gʊddeɪ part of speech: noun auf wiedersehen in spanish: auf wiedersehen, pronunciation: ɔfwidɜrsen part of speech: noun
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