Ad in spanish
pronunciation: ɑnunθioʊ part of speech: noun

AD [A.D.] + Fecha (Anno Domini) = Fecha + d.C. (Después de Cristo).
Example: He concludes that there were private and Christian collections in the Iberian peninsula during the period 100 BC to AD 500.AD [A.D.] + Fecha (Anno Domini) = Fecha + d.C. (Después de Cristo).
Example: He concludes that there were private and Christian collections in the Iberian peninsula during the period 100 BC to AD (advertisement)1 = anuncio publicitario. [También abreviado advert]
Example: Small ads and job vacancies may also be displayed in the library.more:
» ad campaign = campaña publicitaria.
Example: The advertising industry is complex, and many different types of skills are required to create a successful ad campaign.» ad-driven = mantenido por anuncios.
Example: The article 'Ad-driven content sites are doomed' forecasts that advertisement driven content Web sites are likely to become obsolete.» adware = programas espía de anuncios. [En Internet, programa pirata que se infiltra en el ordenador sin permiso y recoge información sobre los movimientos en Internet del usuario para luego enviarle propaganda. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con este sufijo]
Example: The author describes the dangers posed to Internet users by the inadvertent downloading of software called spyware or adware, designed to gather information about a computer user's online activity, and use it for marketing purposes.» banner ad = banner publicitario, banderola publicitaria.
Example: Love them or hate them, banner ads are one of the dominant forms of advertising online.» classified ad = anuncio por palabras, anuncio de compra-venta.
Example: Users will have access to information such as constantly updated travel schedules, news and weather, stock market quotations and classified ads.» help wanted ad = anuncio de trabajo, oferta de trabajo.
Example: The lessons included: reading help wanted ads, following directions, asking for advice, bagging groceries, teaching someone, decision making, and helping others.» personal ad = anuncio personal.
Example: The article 'Virtual holiday excursions' covers metasites, holiday sites, virtual travel, pleasure reading, odd ball sites, personal psychology, personal ads, and fortune telling.ad2
» AD [A.D.] + Fecha (Anno Domini) = Fecha + d.C. (Después de Cristo).
Example: He concludes that there were private and Christian collections in the Iberian peninsula during the period 100 BC to AD 500.» ad hoc = ad hoc, constituido específicamente, especial, improvisado, coyuntural, provisional, circunstancial.
Example: Begun in 1973, CONSER was conceived by an ad hoc discussion group on Serials Data Bases of American and Canadian librarians.» ad hominem = ad hominem.
Example: If it turns out that the informant has perjured himself in the past, this would constitute part of an effective ad hominem challenge to the argument.» ad infinitum = indefinidamente, al infinito.
Example: Items can be added almost ad infinitum.» ad interim = interino, provisional, temporal.
Example: The ad interim government of Texas operated from March 16 to October 22, 1836.» ad interim = en el ínterin, interinamente, temporalmente, mientras tanto, entretanto.
Example: Niklaus Meier assumes the Chief Financial Officer's responsibilities ad interim in addition to his current position as Chief Commercial Officer.» ad nauseam = hasta la saciedad.
Example: At least there seems to be a tacit acknowledgment that the various denominations have something in common, though the nature of the common core is debated ad nauseam.advertisement (ad) = anuncio publicitario. [También abreviado advert]
Example: Most journals rely for a substantial part of their income on advertisements; how would advertisers view the prospect of being selectively screened out by readers?.more:
» advertisement driven = mantenido por anuncios.
Example: The article 'Ad-driven content sites are doomed' forecasts that advertisement driven content Web sites are likely to become obsolete.» banner advertisement = banner publicitario, banderola publicitaria.
Example: It is a well-known fact that text links are far more effective than banner advertisements.» classified advertisement = anuncio por palabras, anuncio de compra-venta.
Example: The People's Electronic Exchange, from US Information Services, is an on-line service which provides the electronic version of classified advertisements in a national newspaper.» job advertisement = oferta de trabajo, anuncio de empleo.
Example: In the past 20 years many important changes have occurred in libraries and information centres and job advertisements are indicators of change in the information world.