Acronym in spanish


pronunciation: ɑkɹ̩oʊnimoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

acronym = acrónimo, sigla. [Nombre de una entidad formado por las iniciales (y a veces alguna de las letras que siguen a la inicial) de su nombre completo]

Example: In keeping with its acronym, PRECIS is an alphabetical subject indexing system that both present a 'precis' of the subject content of a document at each entry point in the printed index, and also displays index terms in context.


» acronym key = clave compuesta. [En informática, generalmente combinación de los primeros caracteres de varios campos que se utiliza para ordenar los registros en una base de datos]

Example: Access to the million-plus records on the SWALCAP database is by control number or by one of several acronym keys based on the author, the title, or a combination of author and title.
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