Absorptive in spanish


pronunciation: ɑbsoʊɹ̩bente part of speech: adjective
In gestures

absorptive = de absorción, absorbente. 

Example: Action to alleviate information inequity should be guided by more knowledge of the absorptive process that is unique to each cultural group = Un mayor conocimiento del proceso de absorcion que es único para cada grupo cultural debería guiar cualquier actuacion dirigida a aliviar la desigualdad de informacion.


» absorptive capability = capacidad de absorción.

Example: Assimilation theories exaggerate the absorptive capability of the majority culture & oversimplify the social transaction processes between ethnic boundaries.

» absorptive capacity = capacidad de absorción. [Habilidad de retener aquello que se está intentando aprender o de integrar o dar cabida a una demanda, petición u oferta]

Example: These findings may have implications for those concerned with student learning styles and absorptive capacity.

Absorptive synonyms

absorbent in spanish: absorbente, pronunciation: əbzɔrbənt part of speech: noun thirsty in spanish: sediento, pronunciation: θɜrsti part of speech: adjective hygroscopic in spanish: higroscópico, pronunciation: haɪgrɑskəpɪk part of speech: adjective spongy in spanish: esponjoso, pronunciation: spʌndʒi part of speech: adjective assimilative in spanish: asimilación, pronunciation: əsɪmələtɪv part of speech: adjective assimilating in spanish: asimilación, pronunciation: əsɪməleɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective absorbefacient in spanish: absorbefacient, pronunciation: æbzɜrbfeɪʃənt part of speech: adjective assimilatory in spanish: asimilativo, pronunciation: əsɪmələtɔri part of speech: adjective sorbefacient in spanish: sorbefaciente, pronunciation: sɔrbəfeɪʃənt part of speech: adjective

Absorptive antonyms

nonabsorbent pronunciation: nɑnəbsɔrbənt part of speech: adjective nonabsorptive pronunciation: nɑnəbsɔrptɪv part of speech: adjective
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