Absinthe in spanish


pronunciation: ɑxenxoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

absinthe = absintio. [Licor]

Example: She explains that wormwood is absinthe, a very bitter emerald green liqueur that was believed to stimulate creativity.

Absinthe synonyms

absinth in spanish: ajenjo, pronunciation: æbsɪnθ part of speech: noun old man in spanish: anciano, pronunciation: oʊldmæn part of speech: noun artemisia absinthium in spanish: artemisia absintio, pronunciation: ɑrtemɪʒəæbsɪnθiəm part of speech: noun common wormwood in spanish: ajenjo común, pronunciation: kɑmənwɜrmwʊd part of speech: noun
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