Abruptness in spanish


pronunciation: pendiente part of speech: noun
In gestures

abruptness = brusquedad, precipitación. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: Then, with a kind of energetic abruptness, Bough said that they could try to build a case for keeping the budget intact = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo.

Abruptness synonyms

brusqueness in spanish: brusquedad, pronunciation: brʌskinəs part of speech: noun shortness in spanish: falta, pronunciation: ʃɔrtnəs part of speech: noun curtness in spanish: brusquedad, pronunciation: kɜrtnəs part of speech: noun steepness in spanish: lo escarpado, pronunciation: stipnəs part of speech: noun suddenness in spanish: brusquedad, pronunciation: sʌdənnəs part of speech: noun gruffness in spanish: aspereza, pronunciation: grʌfnəs part of speech: noun precipitance in spanish: precipitación, pronunciation: prɪsɪpətəns part of speech: noun precipitancy in spanish: precipitación, pronunciation: prɪsɪpətənsi part of speech: noun precipitousness in spanish: precipitabilidad, pronunciation: prɪsɪpətuznəs part of speech: noun precipitateness in spanish: precipitación, pronunciation: prɪsɪpətətnəs part of speech: noun

Abruptness antonyms

gentleness pronunciation: dʒentəlnəs part of speech: noun gradualness pronunciation: græduəlnəs part of speech: noun
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