Abc in spanish


pronunciation: ɑbk part of speech: noun
In gestures

ABC of, the = abecé de, el. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: The title 'The ABC of archery' requires to be sorted as 'ABC of archery, The' and not 'The ABC of archery'.


» (as) easy as ABC = tan fácil como coser y cantar, más fácil que freír un huevo, tan fácil como freír un huevo, pan comido, cosa hecha, paseo militar.

Example: Preventing infant deaths can be as easy as ABC if parents remember three simple ways to keep their little ones safe at night.

» (as) simple as ABC = tan fácil como coser y cantar, más fácil que freír un huevo, tan fácil como freír un huevo, pan comido, cosa hecha, paseo militar.

Example: Advocates of the dictionary catalogue claim that it is as simple as ABC and certainly there is no preliminary psychological barrier against its use.

Abc synonyms

basics in spanish: lo esencial, pronunciation: beɪsɪks part of speech: noun abcs in spanish: abc, pronunciation: eɪbisiz part of speech: noun rudiments in spanish: rudimentos, pronunciation: rudɪmənts part of speech: noun
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