Abbreviated in spanish


pronunciation: ɑbɹ̩ebiɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

abbreviate = abreviar, acortar. 

Example: The Dewey Decimal Classification (abbreviated to either DC or DDC) is arguably the most important bibliographic classification scheme.

abbreviated = abreviado, simplificado. 

Example: The following is an abbreviated list of standard subdivisions from the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme.


» abbreviated cataloguing = catalogación simplificada. [Nivel de catalogación inferior que incluye en la descripción bibliográfica sólo aquellos elementos esenciales para la identificación del documento como pueden ser el autor, el título y la fecha de publicación]

Example: One library might wish to use very full cataloguing, and would thus need to use most of the data; another might wish to use abbreviated cataloguing, and select only the author, title and date.

» abbreviated title = título abreviado. [Generalmente el título de una revista citado de una forma abreviada en las referencias bibliográficas, como por ejemplo 'BNB' (British National Bibliography)]

Example: When citing journals in bibliographic references, abbreviated titles may be used if they are standard abbreviations and can be understood.

» abbreviated version = versión abreviada.

Example: For some while there have been calls for an abbreviated version of AACR, for small libraries and for non-cataloguers.

» highly-abbreviated = muy abreviado, abreviadísimo.

Example: This report is a highly-abbreviated, selective account of the symposium written from the viewpoint of its moderator and co-organizer.

Abbreviated synonyms

short in spanish: corto, pronunciation: ʃɔrt part of speech: adjective brief in spanish: breve, pronunciation: brif part of speech: adjective truncated in spanish: truncado, pronunciation: trʌŋkeɪtɪd part of speech: adjective shortened in spanish: acortado, pronunciation: ʃɔrtənd part of speech: adjective
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